Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Visualization Exercise: Concept of personality and view of life on the physical world!

Try this cool visualization exercise from Bashar that let's you go deeper on how you view physical reality to be... pretty cool!

Here are my notes on it and it is obviously my view of it. If you plan on doing this, please go do it first before reading mine. Otherwise, it won't make sense!
* are my visualizations!
Composition of Personality and the View of Life Visualization : telling of the definitions that you have been brought up around and decide then if you like them or if you need to make changes to this; will help refine the tool that you are; the more work you work on this and adjust then it will help you become a clearer instrument for any kind of newer energy; much more easier for newer energy to come in and fit into who you are decided to be in a clearer state 

Forest - view journey in life/what you think of being here/kind of forest/density/sparseness of the trees/foliage of the trees (lush, sparse)/particular attitude of physical reality of how you see your life, and your experience here, what it means to you as an experience

*Meadow, Forest all around, pointy trees, green/black

Day/Night - proclivity of either masculine (night) or feminine energy (daytime)


Temperature - emotional temperament, how life feels to you

*warm, normal, comfy

Path - Dirt path (meandering), Highway Car path (straightforward); what you are doing or what you'd rather do; 

*Dirt Sunlight Path from meadow

Wall - how you treat obstacles in life, what your usual first response reaction 
Reminder: you can always change these kind of symbols and you will change your approach and how they affect you in life

*Short Wall with roots all around to climb around, easy to climb over

Bear: deal with fears, the unexpected

*Cuddling brown bear, hugging, after looking and connecting eye contact, calm 

Key: how you view the concept of knowledge of life

*Took a picture, on the floor, big golden/rusted key

Book: concept of self-relegation or self-communication in general, how you treat the idea of getting information across to self or others, and valuing idea of information, look at symbol of what it means to you

Positive: value of information
Negative: thinking you need to be ornate in describing or you won't be understood 

*Looked through the book, thick book, finding lots of information, valuing of information 

Coin: Self-worth, what do you feel, do you feel you can exchange yourself for value, heads/tails polarity

*1 shiny gold coin

Box: how do you feel about gifts in life, do you feel life contains gifts for you, do you feel there are surprises for you, representative of thrilled in a positive way or disappointed or let down in a way regarding to ability to receive from infinite

*Treasure chest with lots of gold things inside 

Cup: how you view love in life in all forms, your relationships to it, just the concept of process of love and your ability to receive and g

Also, Challice and tin cups positive and negatives

*Normal round coffee cup

Water: pond, strea, ocean, lake; represents sensuality and sexuality in life

*Waterfall, diving into the water and playing, meditating 

Structure of place: basic view of what you consider process of death to be; transcendence; after life 

Inside of the structure: view of the afterlife, how it is like 
Outside of the structure: transition of death 
Not going in can be: afraid or just simply saying it's not my house so they are still living their life and not ready to enter that phase; or if it is their house then it's familiar 

*Structure is a big door that is huge and inside is the cosmos, stars, planets and I am gazing through but I don't want to go in yet, just viewing 

Other things: 
Key to open box: knowledge leads to opening up understanding of knowledge, secrets, gifts, etc… 

Bear following them around: fear following around them 

Take Responsibility!

Thank you Bashar for this beautiful reminder and for the person who is asking for the question.

How do you choose to communicate?
It's happening in your life for a reason, does not mean it's a one to one reflection. 
For different issues.
What do you need to get out of it? 
What form of communication have you attempted?
Why do you patience?
The only reason why you need patience is because you're impatient.
Where's your imagination?
Have you found a way to allow yourself?
Why do you want to be understood? Why is that important?
You mean you choose to feel invalid?
What do you get out of choosing to be invalid?
If you're still processing then you can't be surprised that you have feelings of invalidation, frustration, and not being understood. 
All this stem from choices you are making. 
What reason have you created? 
Take responsibility. 
Take responsibility for the things you create, the perceptions you choose.
You created a version of hi in your reality for your own reasons. 
Take responsibility for your part of the co-creation. 
There is something that you are learning. 
I'm learning to not invalidate myself. 
Your partner is teaching you to not invalidate yourself. 
Hence, there is communication. 
Perhaps not what you need to say but what you need to listen to. 
Because when you are quiet, you can hear more of what's there. 
It doesn't need to be presented in a negative way and if it does then it is up to you it is your duty to yourself by not interpreting yourself and take it personally.
It is about his own fears 
Therefore why are you assuming it has to do with you?
It has your belief in your own lack of validity that you accept as your truth.
So, just listen to the truth within you. 
And stop trying to drown you out to what you think is communication but is just noise.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Bashar - The Path Becomes Narrow

I'm still trying to understand what Bashar is saying here...

At some level I realize that I did go through a lot of pain, which coincidentally started in 2010 when my depression kicked in full force! The path becomes narrowing is quickly being absorbed by my ego and it's slightly creating an alarming feeling within me. It is pushing me to further have more mental clarity so that I am balanced. The word integration sticks out for me as that is what I have been doing in the last couple of years... Integrating all that I have learned and taking it to the next level. 

I feel like I am in the eye of a storm. What does that mean? I don't really know... but everything around me is calm and out there, there is obvious chaos. For in truth is, is that we can only control our own thoughts, beliefs, and everything else you just have to let it go. I feel a mix of emotions... I guess you can excitement and anxiety over the unknown. I seriously feel like every thought, belief, and feeling I have of myself somehow manifest in some way or another. When you believe wholeheartedly that you are the creator of the universe, you do create quickly. But I am still blocking myself in some way... it's like I can see both sides of a coin but my ego is kicking in. I just want to tell myself that everything will be okay. It is and ego, things will be okay. Listen to the higher mind. Trust. Have faith! Be happy! Be confident! Let go of the self-doubt. You can do it! You've got it. Keep going. 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

A good reminder that those who masks everything are those who need support now more than ever...

Hello Well-Wishers,

Yesterday I reconnected with an old friend in high school who unexpectedly called me from out of no where.

We haven't spoken in years and I have not really followed up on how she was doing.

Our talk yesterday reminded me of how so much more than ever that we are all here on earth on our own special journey...

And a part of this journey is to come to the realization that we're here to remember that we can create our own inner peace, joy, and happiness.

We all come from different walks of life but we're all here to learn to fully love and accept unconditionally who we are and you know what? It is hard. It is tricky. It's a process. There's never going to be a final destination. It is the journey that we came here for... the progressions, the growth, the explorations, the ability to have a thought and manifest that thought into our reality, the ability to feel all sorts of emotions, and the knowingness that we are always unconditionally supported by the universe of all the beliefs and values that we have.

My friend came to me because she had been going through depression for the last 6 months and she never knew that I went through depression so we had a good talk. I realized I have a lot to share about my own personal experiences and that even though I don't know who reads this blog, I'm sure it will reach other to someone one day. So, talking to her reminded me of how much I need to blog about my experiences.

Stay tuned, it's coming! :)

Peaceful music... speaks to the heart! For meditation, reflection mode, quieting the mind...