Today, I am starting on my first personal project and I am calling it 'Project Prayer.'
I learned just about over a year ago of how powerful prayers are and I am inspired to focus and send positive light and energy to those who need help when they ask for the help.
Have you ever kneeled down as a child and prayed for good grades? I sure have! Or kneeled on your bed and hoped things will be okay? Well, prayer is more common than you think! You maybe be doing it in your head and not even knowing it! Just by sending out a positive thought of love and compassion, you are sending out a powerful message to the world.
My first project will be my uncle. He is currently an alcoholic who has refused physical help. I will not give too much energy to what he's lacking in life but you can imagine what being an alcoholic is like... I can certainly relate to not wanting help because I went through depression but deep down inside each one of us, we do know our own divinity and our power to make our own lives better. However, our ego also prevents us from allowing others to help or intervene because a part of us (ego) is scared of revealing it's own insecurities and fears. Having gone through my own personal transformations, I know that if we empower people to find the power within themselves and to truly love themselves, then anything can be changed. Any doubt will ruin the process so there is no 'hoping' and only a 'knowing'. When you pray, there is a knowing that something will happen because you know there is something out there that can help. You are just bringing it closer to reality! And then suddenly it becomes your reality! So, let's stay positive and pray! Be patient. Your thoughts and emotions are heard.
All prayer is sending an energy signal or 'focus' out to the universe that this is what you want... and then you allow it to happen and allow inspiration to come through in which you carry it out through action. Now, you must also accept what is currently going on and then be thankful that you have the ability to shift or change your reality. I am not expecting a miracle but I know the only way to change the world is to change yourself.
'My vision of my uncle is that he will be sober, healthy, and happy. He will find work and be able to express his feelings. He will ask for help and be encouraged to let go and forgive himself. My vision of my uncle is that he is well and he is connected to the divine source within him.'
Prayer is more powerful when others are involved. If you feel guided to be part of my project prayer, then I welcome you to pray for my uncle. If you are in the same situation then I am here praying for you too. You don't need to tell me who you are but by reading this I am already sending you a prayer. :) Love and blessings to you!
Project Prayer: Uncle
- Prayed for uncle and family, envisioning him surrounded by powerful blue light and clearing negative low energies from his aura and body.
- Prayed for uncle and clearing away his energy through Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. Asked Divine Source (aka God, Universe, etc... whatever you want to call it because it's all the same, if from love) to help everyone who is involved in this process to let go, forgive, and not judge him or themselves. We all need love. Asked my mom to join me in prayer. We will see if she wants to be involved. Looked up online for AA meetings. I plan on attending one in the upcoming month. I told him I would help him and for now I will do so 'energetically' because physically he is not ready. You cannot force people to change. You really cannot because it's free will in this world. I am going to work on myself to create a new story for him and that is to first and foremost work on my own thinking.
Project Prayer: G's sister Gail
- Prayed for G's sister Gail to fully recover from cancer. May Archangel Raphael and Michael be by her side always and Jesus! She is such a strong fighter and a lover of life!
Project Prayer: High school Friend's Mom
- Prayed for one of my best high school friend's mom... she recently passed away from breast cancer a month ago. May she rest in peace and is able to be free from all of Earth's suffering.
Please leave me a comment below if you would like for me to pray for someone you dearly love. I believe focused intention aka prayer is a very powerful tool and because I do not have resistant about your history or current situation, when we pray together we exponentially multiple that energy.
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