Friday, 31 January 2014

Recurring physical discomfort... Cold Sore

My first cold sore appeared to me in late January of last year, 2013.  Up until then, I have never had a cold sore in my life and that is 26 years of my life. I presumed I was under a lot of stress because I was under a lot of self-doubt last year. A lot of things were suppose to happen for me and I was superbly mentally stress. 

Now, it has come back this year... Why? I don't know why but I suspect it must have to do with things that I have not completely dealt with. I believe there must be alignment between our mind, body, and emotions if we are to be in a balanced healthy state. So when something is off, it is co-created with my other body parts. 

I tried looking up for the spiritual symptoms of the cold sore besides the physical symptoms... and it led me to read that it has to do with built up anger and or polar feelings of one self. I have to say, I have been experiencing all of those recently. In fact, a couple days of ago I was in bed rest for 2 1/2 days, not for any physical reasons but for my emotional/mental reasons. I was feeling sad. I just could not get the thought out of my mind. But I recovered on Tuesday and I felt all better. Then, I started to get my cold sore today and I realized that my last cold sore was exactly a year ago. It's amazing how the body remembers...which adds more to the reason of why I have not let go of whatever issues I have. 

A few hours ago, I decided to do some self-healing work on myself besides applying copious amount of Abreva, drinking tea, and popping vitamin C pills. I will share some of the videos that I was listening to which helped me shift my mood aka parallel realities much more consciously. I have to remind myself to not give so much attention to my emotions. It's almost like a young baby, I am constantly attending to my negative emotions which is really distracting because I deter myself from achieving my goals... and then I really psst off my boyfriend because he doesn't understand why I choose to be this way. I think the reason why I delve into it is because I do want to know why I choose to be sad sometimes. It's werid. It's almost like a grounding feeling in a way to keep me... feeling like a human. It's like a constant reminder almost of what I went through... The positive thing is that I know that's not what I prefer to feel like so I usually bounce back. 

So... through quiet time and meditation... I found out a few things about myself. I believe these are my current themes that I am working on... It's kind of exhausting yet when I get focused it is exhilarating!

1. I have not let go of perfectionism. I am the worst critic of myself. I have let go of judging others but I instead judge myself constantly. It's like I am so aware of everything that I am feeling that I miss the whole point of it all that I am doing. Also, I am developing slight anxiety which is something I again do not prefer. I am anxious about showing people my worth because I fear of possibly being judged. I don't understand because I also then see myself as a third person and wonder... 'what the heck?'

2. Faith. I lack faith in myself. While I see myself as a self-empowered being... my faith in myself sometimes wane. It's like I don't know why but I have faith in everything else but in myself...

3. Receive. All my early part of my life, I felt myself being a great 'giver.' As a child, I innately unconsciously knew how giving would make other people happy which in turn made me happy. But... I never learned how to receive or even ask for help. I was taught to be independent and to do it all on my own. Now when I practise ask and you shall receive! I ask... but I don't allow myself to align with the frequencies of receiving. I realized I keep counteracting what I am asking for... I am learning to believe that I do deserve the things that I want and that it's okay to ask for help. 

4. Relationships. My life has shifted a lot in terms of relationships... In the early years of my to teenage years, I was active in forming and maintaining friendships and relationships with people. I was a social butterfly until depression hit me hard all of a sudden. I did not know how to express my feelings and I could not explain myself... I was too darn scared to share my feelings with my friends and so I went on a journey to heal myself through my own ways of doing it. Now, I am learning how to build relationships once again... and it's been interesting. I want to be a better friend and colleague. I just know that I am a great person but I keep holding myself back. 

5. I was listening to a Bashar video on youtube... and it got me thinking that I am very arrogant. :/ Actually, I'm quite stubborn too. In the video, the woman was explaining how she can't possibly make money out of passions - painting and writing. Bashar then told her she is being arrogant because she is singling herself out to be the only person in the universe that cannot have all that she wants to have and be. Which then got me thinking... why I sometimes feel like that too. Why don't I just allow? It's time to allow the possibilities... if you can think it then you can achieve it was a quote I heard of a while ago. Here is that video clip: 

6. Fear of being... judged again. 

7. Eating... cravings... feeling emotional... giving in. Yup, I have realized that I have to go back to straight clean eating. When I did that it gave me clarity.

So I am now going to work on all of this! I have so many goals that I have created this year which will require me to... 

1. Let go of perfectionism and the how. 
2. Have absolute faith. 
3. Be open to receive in all forms because yes means yes and no means yes. 
4. Make connections and share my beingness with others.
5. Not placing myself in any 'special circumstance'... or that I have to be in a different way to be me. 
6. Letting go of fear of judgement. 
7. Eating clean and occasionally indulging on sweets. 

So these are my mental health / emotional goals for the year. So much to do! : ) 

Here are the videos I used for my meditation and healing: 

Arcturian Key Code (Releasing Fear)  

Bashar - Healing & Letting Go with Beethoven 

Bashar - Blue Light Technique of Healing & Letting Go


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Do you KNOW who you are?

Happy New Year!

While I'm in the middle of making goals/plans/desires/envisions for this year 2014 (which I have never really done before!), I thought I would ask myself the question... 'What do I know about myself?' 

I challenge you all to ask yourself.. 'What do I know about myself?' because you might be surprised with what you feel or think about yourself. Remember, 'know' is much stronger than 'believe'. I'm not talking about what you believe yourself to be... because even then those words allow for disbelief energy... So, what do you know about yourself?

Here's an impromptu free-flow response as I allow my mind to flow and my fingers to type... It's not conclusive but definitely a reflection of my values, morals, thoughts about the world, and thoughts about me at THIS MOMENT in time. I stress this moment because we are always evolving and changing.

  • I know I am a multi-dimensional being. 
  • I know I have many help from various parallel realities, spirit guides, higher self, angels, and they are all guiding and helping me here on this Earth journey. 
  • I know I am an infinite and internal being. I know I can manifest anything that I wish or desire to have in my life. 
  • I know I am created from love and that I am here to shine love and light to the world. 
  • I know my passions in life are to be an inspiration, to teach others or guide others, and to be who I want to be in this world. 
  • I know I am an amazing girlfriend and I have an equally amazing boyfriend. 
  • I know my family loves me and that we are all here together to learn how to get along and to learn how to appreciate each other’s individual gifts. 
  • I know I have value in this world and that I do add value to the world. 
  • I know my voice is important and I know how to speak up and stand up for myself.  
  • I know I can effect change and I know I am a powerful self-empowered being.  
  • I know I am a great friend, daughter, and most importantly a great person. 
  • I know I have good intentions always and I know people are drawn to my nurturing and sensitive capabilities. 
  • I know I am connected to the cosmos and that I am not alone in the universe. 
  • I know I can shift parallel realities by creating change and I know my mental clarity is what will guide me into doing great things. 
  • I know I am a great person at heart and that people want to be friends with me. 
  • I know I have a huge purpose here on Earth and I know that I am beginning to unlock what I am here to do. 
  • I know I have yet to discover my greatest potentials and I truly believe that everyone has great potential, especially children. 
  • I know I am here to self-empower children, youths, and maybe even inspire adults. 
  • I know I don’t know everything but I do know one thing and that is… to truly love myself. 
  • I know that the feeling of love for others cannot be felt until you feel that love for yourself because otherwise it is a disguise, illusion, or some form of misinterpretation. 
  • I am truly thankful for the person that I have become and for the person that I am becoming.
  • I know the universe will send me friends who are similar to me and that have goals and desires like mine. 
  • I know that everything is going to be okay. 
  • I know the journey on Earth has been a rocky one but I will always stay positive. 
  • I know I am a sensitive, caring, and emotional person and I am okay with that. 
  • I know that my gifts will add value to other people’s lives and I know everyone is their own person. 
  • I know I can be, do, and achieve anything in this world. I know I am a grounded person. I just know and I just am. 

I know there’s no other place I would want to be at this time because I know how to shift… and that’s all it takes! A shift in the mindset, a shift to a different perspective… I know it’s all in my head. Happy creating!