Just wanted to share with you an update on my current thoughts and feelings...
As always, I am here to document my own personal growth and journey here on Earth and I know my thoughts and feelings are ever changing.
BTW, this list is really random.
- When you unscramble the words of earth, it can spell heart! :) E A R T H = H E A R T
- Visualize the outcome and not the process. The process will prolong the manifestation, unless it serves you to go through that experience. Then own it, acknowledge it, and move on
- I am feeling happy! Maybe... it's because I am contributing to the world more. That's the true essence of me. I love to give and help!
- My moods 100% have an effect on my productivity. Shift. Shift. Shift. Consciously. I must remember to not let circumstances deter me from my true being. I am in control and from this control is actually flow.
- I desire to get back into exercising. I again have let my moods and ego put me in a sedative state where the thought of 'I don't feel like going...' is taking over. It's time for me to regain my power back. No more excuses.
- I have many dreams and I know in time they will come true. :) I know it. I believe my dreams will benefit many people. One day, my voice will be heard. I can be me and you can be you too!
- My boyfriend is so sweet. I am very thankful for the co-creation of a wonderful relationship. Communication is the core of a lasting friendship and relationship. I'll tell you a secret... When you own your own power, no one can take it away from you. That sort of self-empowerment is very attractive. It's the fine balance between being a independently conscious and interweaving or co-creating with another. Does it make sense? Just remember this: Above all else, you are always in a relationship with yourself first. Then, you can truly have authentic relationships with other people. How can someone love you, if you don't love yourself? It's only when you understand that form of 'love' then can you have the other person mirror it back to you. Shift. Change. Experiment. Challenge. Stand up for. Honour your self. Love you and you will receive the love back in any way, shape, or form!
- We are also celebrating our 10 years this year... yes, we are high school sweethearts. <3
- Must not forget to practice Ho'oponopono! Before my spiritual awakening, this was my first introduction to learning to forgive oneself and love oneself fully. It is so simple, yet so powerful. It's just words. But is it? I believe it is powerful. I believe affirmations are powerful. Spend 17 seconds on it as suggested by Abraham Hicks and you will attract similar thoughts! Spend 68 seconds on it and you have momentum going! Similarly, I have learned not to leave thoughts unattended. Because, where you have left them last vibrationally is where they stand. Especially whatever we have suppressed. It doesn't just go away until you transform and/or transcend that energy into something else - more positive. No one can do this but yourself. That's the honest truth. Only you can undo what you were thinking of! No one else can have influence on you because if you deem other people can, then you are giving away your own inner power. Actually, you are never really giving away any real power... but it sure creates that effect and mirror and so you will create a reality where that reflection will happen... or attract one!
- Ibogaine: I just found out about it! A very interesting spiritual enhancing drug. Somehow, learning about this drug has altered my beliefs about taking drugs. I wonder if it could help my uncle who is an alcoholic? I'm going to pray about this.
- While I love Bashar and Daryl Anka's work... I feel lately that I am easing off of his teachings. I think it's because Bashar's underlying message is quite clear and I can predict most of the time what he is trying to make us aware of. Basically, it is now time for me to really put those ideas into practice. I feel so much like a sponge...always absorbing information.
- I am learning how to be more assertive. At times, I shift between judging myself as being not good enough and feeling that anything I demand or wish will come true. I'm not sure why I choose to sabotage myself... there certainly are still belief systems that I am unearthing. I am ready to let go of self-sabotage. It's not serving me at the moment. I don't know where it's source truly is and frankly, I don't care. All I know is that, I care about my own wellbeing and I care about the wellbeing of other people. I should not feel incompetent because I genuinely feel that I am a loving human being. I know I add value to the world.
- Smile & be thankful. I truly am thankful for everything and everyone who has come across my path. I have learned a lot from them about myself. I learn who I want to be and who I choose to be. That is the essence of it all isn't it? To play, dream, create, and experience. As Bashar says, if you want enlightenment than just 'lighten up!' Something that I do a lot nowadays is when I get too emotional or serious... I stop my thinking process and as myself 'Am I having fun?' and usually it's not so I realize how dramatic I have made things to be. Really, it doesn't need to be. So, always ask yourself... is this fun? If it's not, then move on! Why bother defending yourself in those type of situations. You are only trying to prove your worth! Well, better transform those energies into something more light and positive... I don't know. Like, get to the bottom of things. I know it's tough. I am learning too. But, frankly, I don't have time for BS these days. It's almost as if I have a BS radar. I just don't buy into that reality. And, I am also much better at not taking things too personally.
I should get some rest! Take care everyone!