Monday, 27 May 2013
'It was my mind that created this!'
Amazing! A good reminder for me because I already know this process. Thank you. :)
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Blankness Lately
My mind has been drawing blank lately...
I don't think too much. In fact, I find myself looking for something to think about!
I think this is a nice adjustment to quieting my ego.
I feel like at this moment... well, everything that I need to know, I will know, so I don't have to worry about anything.
I mean, ofcourse I'm always still curious and want to self-improve but what I'm trying to say is that it is okay to be in a blankness of space. I'm not sure if this is making sense.
I haven't really felt like blogging about anything lately... because nothing is currently truly bothering me.
Moreover, I keep seeing time in hour increments lately! It's pretty cool... like I'd see 6:22, 7:22, 8:23, 11:22,'s like each time I look.. a hour literally passes by and I'm like.. oh wow that went by quick!
I don't think too much. In fact, I find myself looking for something to think about!
I think this is a nice adjustment to quieting my ego.
I feel like at this moment... well, everything that I need to know, I will know, so I don't have to worry about anything.
I mean, ofcourse I'm always still curious and want to self-improve but what I'm trying to say is that it is okay to be in a blankness of space. I'm not sure if this is making sense.
I haven't really felt like blogging about anything lately... because nothing is currently truly bothering me.
Moreover, I keep seeing time in hour increments lately! It's pretty cool... like I'd see 6:22, 7:22, 8:23, 11:22,'s like each time I look.. a hour literally passes by and I'm like.. oh wow that went by quick!
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Monday, 20 May 2013
What you put out is what you get back.. on controlling others!
Hi Well-Wishers!
Because of my strong belief in the law of attraction and what you put out is what you get back... I have been more conscious of the thoughts that I have been having and generally more 'relaxed' about life. I am peace and I affirm that all the time to myself because that is what I would like to put out in the world and thus what comes back to me is peace. Obviously, it's not always going to externally look peaceful but peaceful internally is what I am talking about. The ability to standstill and be at peace when chaos is all around you is true mastery of your mind/thoughts/emotions. It can be done and this is one of the ways I self-empower myself! To not let the dramas and etc... get into your life.
To let go of trying to control others (even if you think it's the best for them!) because really... it's their life and if you can't handle yours then you really have no power to tell them what to do with theirs. You want to help others? Treat yourself well and be kind to yourself. When you are kind and loving to yourself then you will be able to look further within and realize that everyone else is also capable of this ability to be loving and kind to themselves. Then, your mentality can shift to the world where everyone can be nice and loving to each other. Then the law of attraction comes into place and you encounter more loving and kind people. That doesn't mean you won't get the unloving ones at times but it is then an excellent reminder for you to quickly shift to the reality that you want.
You can never know what will happen..not in the next minute, hour, days, weeks or even years! You can only know that at this moment you are here and you are invited to be loving and graceful to yourself. It is not the same as being an egotistical person... no. Loving yourself and treating yourself well actually show other people that they should be loving and graceful to themselves. If you get jelly (jealous), then it really is a belief within yourself that you don't think you can be like them or that you deserve what they have. It's all about you. It's all here and now and you have the choice to make the best for you and all others involved. There's nothing wrong with you. Your thinking however is the only thing that is holding you back from being the best you that you can be. Help is always available! Be genuine and authentic and that means just being you! Good luck.
I am not perfect. At times, I can get negative, anxious, and slightly bitter too. I'm a working progress and I've come really far. I don't often feel proud of all of my accomplishments but the one thing I am proud of is my ability to continuously reflect and self-improve. I also only choose to believe in what resonates within me that is the highest good for all beings involved. I am very aware of the negative things in life and that's it. Once you're aware, you are making choices to follow/believe or to not to follow/believe. There's no right or wrong. Everyone has a purpose in this life here on Earth... Unfortunately, through many milleniums of learning about fears and fears and fears... that we have come to label and compartmentalize everything. Thus it makes it so easy to categorize everything... and especially the most popular 'good versus bad.' There's no such thing and again an illusion.
Something I was reminded of and learned yesterday...
I have unconscious beliefs around alcohol. I believe it can make you uncontrollable, have health problems, lead to your ultimate death, and cause anger and disappointment to others and yourself.
Look, a lot of family life circumstances has lead me to this belief and also reading up about it through schooling.
However, what I realized too is that by telling other people not to drink, I am just forcing my fears onto them. Yes, I can be coming from what I believe is the most loving way by telling/complaining to them about their situation but it really stems from fear. Fear of all the above and more...
So it really is all an illusion. Why am I so afraid? I obviously forgot that we are eternal spirits that are here to have a life experience. So, if I don't like it then I can just leave. Well, if it effects me then I can just set my boundaries and point of views clear and if nothing changes than I can stop giving energy to the situation. I can just let it go and let it be. This is the tricky part...
So... the point is. Everyone is here on their own life experience journey on Earth. They have obviously chosen various things to go through and for me it was depression. Like not everyone is going to go through depression or go to alcoholism. They can be seasonal depressive, mildly depressive, or with alcoholism they can be social drinkers. Who knows!
The point is... I am not being helpful by telling others what to do or be like. In fact, hostility and annoyance came up more so. That's when good listening and communication skills need to come in and mutual respect because otherwise nothing can resolve from just bickering.
Hence, I can say... alcohol is bad and etc... but I am making a judgement on alcohol and on the person. Which is very unfair to label them as a bad person because they truly are not. Well, sure alcohol is the reason why they are bad and if only they did not drink alcohol then they will not be bad. Well, the truth is regardless, it is their choice.
I have to learn to let it go and to forgive them. To forgive them because you cannot control their habits and their decisions. Forgive them because they have chosen to be in this life to act this way. Forgive them and love them because if you could put yourselves in their shoes and really what they need to love. When you truly love yourself, then you wouldn't put harmful things in your body. It's true.
So, I just have to remember that we're all eternal beings on a life journey here and that anything can change and it must begin with our own mentality and perception. If people who are making these choices are affecting your life, then you need to let them be or let it go and leave. You gotta love yourself to get yourself out of those situations that can turn negative.
Yknow... I have a habit of stuffing myself with junk food. I too am working on my own insecurities and truly being able to love myself. How am I to judge if I too am eating junk food that is full of drugs and chemicals? As this person relayed to me...
See... what you put out is what you get back!
You telling other people what to do? Well, point a finger at them and there are three pointing back at you. It's a good idea to reflect and see what relevance it may have in your life. Most likely, you are also judging yourself harshly. It's the same concept. Once you stop judging and hurting yourself so much, then you will see the power within each person that they too can get out of it. Well, I am on that journey. I see the ending but being here are physical earth is definitely a trickier journey...
I love those cakes, ice-cream, donuts, sweets.... oh my.
Because of my strong belief in the law of attraction and what you put out is what you get back... I have been more conscious of the thoughts that I have been having and generally more 'relaxed' about life. I am peace and I affirm that all the time to myself because that is what I would like to put out in the world and thus what comes back to me is peace. Obviously, it's not always going to externally look peaceful but peaceful internally is what I am talking about. The ability to standstill and be at peace when chaos is all around you is true mastery of your mind/thoughts/emotions. It can be done and this is one of the ways I self-empower myself! To not let the dramas and etc... get into your life.
To let go of trying to control others (even if you think it's the best for them!) because really... it's their life and if you can't handle yours then you really have no power to tell them what to do with theirs. You want to help others? Treat yourself well and be kind to yourself. When you are kind and loving to yourself then you will be able to look further within and realize that everyone else is also capable of this ability to be loving and kind to themselves. Then, your mentality can shift to the world where everyone can be nice and loving to each other. Then the law of attraction comes into place and you encounter more loving and kind people. That doesn't mean you won't get the unloving ones at times but it is then an excellent reminder for you to quickly shift to the reality that you want.
You can never know what will happen..not in the next minute, hour, days, weeks or even years! You can only know that at this moment you are here and you are invited to be loving and graceful to yourself. It is not the same as being an egotistical person... no. Loving yourself and treating yourself well actually show other people that they should be loving and graceful to themselves. If you get jelly (jealous), then it really is a belief within yourself that you don't think you can be like them or that you deserve what they have. It's all about you. It's all here and now and you have the choice to make the best for you and all others involved. There's nothing wrong with you. Your thinking however is the only thing that is holding you back from being the best you that you can be. Help is always available! Be genuine and authentic and that means just being you! Good luck.
I am not perfect. At times, I can get negative, anxious, and slightly bitter too. I'm a working progress and I've come really far. I don't often feel proud of all of my accomplishments but the one thing I am proud of is my ability to continuously reflect and self-improve. I also only choose to believe in what resonates within me that is the highest good for all beings involved. I am very aware of the negative things in life and that's it. Once you're aware, you are making choices to follow/believe or to not to follow/believe. There's no right or wrong. Everyone has a purpose in this life here on Earth... Unfortunately, through many milleniums of learning about fears and fears and fears... that we have come to label and compartmentalize everything. Thus it makes it so easy to categorize everything... and especially the most popular 'good versus bad.' There's no such thing and again an illusion.
Something I was reminded of and learned yesterday...
I have unconscious beliefs around alcohol. I believe it can make you uncontrollable, have health problems, lead to your ultimate death, and cause anger and disappointment to others and yourself.
Look, a lot of family life circumstances has lead me to this belief and also reading up about it through schooling.
However, what I realized too is that by telling other people not to drink, I am just forcing my fears onto them. Yes, I can be coming from what I believe is the most loving way by telling/complaining to them about their situation but it really stems from fear. Fear of all the above and more...
So it really is all an illusion. Why am I so afraid? I obviously forgot that we are eternal spirits that are here to have a life experience. So, if I don't like it then I can just leave. Well, if it effects me then I can just set my boundaries and point of views clear and if nothing changes than I can stop giving energy to the situation. I can just let it go and let it be. This is the tricky part...
So... the point is. Everyone is here on their own life experience journey on Earth. They have obviously chosen various things to go through and for me it was depression. Like not everyone is going to go through depression or go to alcoholism. They can be seasonal depressive, mildly depressive, or with alcoholism they can be social drinkers. Who knows!
The point is... I am not being helpful by telling others what to do or be like. In fact, hostility and annoyance came up more so. That's when good listening and communication skills need to come in and mutual respect because otherwise nothing can resolve from just bickering.
Hence, I can say... alcohol is bad and etc... but I am making a judgement on alcohol and on the person. Which is very unfair to label them as a bad person because they truly are not. Well, sure alcohol is the reason why they are bad and if only they did not drink alcohol then they will not be bad. Well, the truth is regardless, it is their choice.
I have to learn to let it go and to forgive them. To forgive them because you cannot control their habits and their decisions. Forgive them because they have chosen to be in this life to act this way. Forgive them and love them because if you could put yourselves in their shoes and really what they need to love. When you truly love yourself, then you wouldn't put harmful things in your body. It's true.
So, I just have to remember that we're all eternal beings on a life journey here and that anything can change and it must begin with our own mentality and perception. If people who are making these choices are affecting your life, then you need to let them be or let it go and leave. You gotta love yourself to get yourself out of those situations that can turn negative.
Yknow... I have a habit of stuffing myself with junk food. I too am working on my own insecurities and truly being able to love myself. How am I to judge if I too am eating junk food that is full of drugs and chemicals? As this person relayed to me...
See... what you put out is what you get back!
You telling other people what to do? Well, point a finger at them and there are three pointing back at you. It's a good idea to reflect and see what relevance it may have in your life. Most likely, you are also judging yourself harshly. It's the same concept. Once you stop judging and hurting yourself so much, then you will see the power within each person that they too can get out of it. Well, I am on that journey. I see the ending but being here are physical earth is definitely a trickier journey...
I love those cakes, ice-cream, donuts, sweets.... oh my.
New revelation about myself...
My spiritual team consists of...
- Star Being friends
- Lots of Angels, Archangels, Fairies, and Cherubs
- Native Americans/Indians
- Nuns
- Dragons
- Witches
- Dolphins
And I'm sure there's more for me to discover!
Now, I understand what my intuitive coach meant before! I went to see her last year when my life was going through an intense physical and spiritual transformation. She had told me that I have travelled lots around the universe and that is why I have so many different spirit guides.
This totally makes sense now! I have obviously befriended many of these beings and I probably told them prior to coming to Earth that I would need their help. I mean, it makes sense why they would all be trying to connect with me. And of course this makes sense as to why I am incredibly open-minded and accepting. That's because I have met so many different beings that there really is just love. Love for all.
In a deeper sense, we are all one. I am actually them (possibly!) in another life time and because there is no such thing as time except for in Earth, I probably sent probable versions of help to myself so that I can aid myself in this journey. I always like to think that when you are asking for divine help that yes you are asking for 'Source' but really that source is actually within you so you are just activating the many levels and dimensions of yourself to help and remind you of who you are. For example, when I was going through depression, I prayed everyday for help to get out of it. Then, I was attracted to learn more about UFOs and all of a sudden I discover Bashar and his messages. Well, it makes perfect sense now as my Star Being guides guided me to remember a part of me and that is why their messages resonated with me. I was able to use their teachings (similar to highest good teachings of Buddha, Chris, Krishna, & etc...) to get out of depression and I realized it was a huge huge life learning experience.
Isn't this all amazing? I finally get it now. Why are these beings here? Well, they are really me at another place and I have enlisted them to come back to help me! Amazing. I am really thankful that I am not afraid to follow my intuitions in that sense. It's not blind faith. It really is just me helping myself. By asking for help, I am receiving help from the higher mind and my higher mind is connected to all my over souls so we all help each other out. Even if you are reading this, I might be part of your over soul so I am help you in someway too!
That's why it's so important to follow your passion even if you're afraid of it because everyone can benefit from it! :)
Anyways, I finally figured out why all these spiritual things are happening to me! I am remembering more about me. I am not a one-size fit all. I have always known that but I am me. And, there's a part of me that wants to remember the bigger part of me. So cool!
I'm very fortunate to come from many places of love and to meet many loving beings. Also, when you love yourself and stay true to yourself, it really is just love energy. And that energy carries forth to the different lives that you choose to explore.
I don't know everything but I sure feel like I know something. I am just going to listen to my heart and gut feelings and know that everything is going to be fine. Even when there's negative events happening in this world, it really is all an illusion. If you give energy, time, and power to it then it becomes your reality. It really is as simple as choosing to be in a different state or frame of mind. I choose to be loving, happy, joyful, and thankful as much as I can.
Could you imagine...what would the world be like if everyone simply just choose to be loving, happy, joyful, and thankful for just one second? Wow... it would shift the world in an instant.
Thank you and thank you friends from every corner of the universe! :*)
Much love to everyone for we are all here now and all in it together.
Just an update then on spiritual protection...
I understand now that if we do see 'scary' or 'fearful' things then it really is just a reminder of the illusions that we have created in our mind. Because only we would send ourselves these negative energies. Why? Because it gives us a 'choice' to decide whether or not to continue believing in these energies or to make a change or a shift.
I asked my intuitive coach why I am seeing images of people or faces in my mind. What she sort of relayed to me was because I was slightly anxious and fearful of what I would see... my mind would not be able to interpret it fully (it also depends on my third eye allowability) but because I had some beliefs about it that were the reason why I kept seeing unpleasant things. So the point is to let go of those negative beliefs and to truly just vibrate higher so that you can match that higher frequency and see clearly what you are wanting to see. Does this make sense?
Also, anytime anything fearful comes up or a negative feeling. It really is just a reminder to us if it's something that we should deal with or something to let go of. It feels negative then protect yourself because it is not 'truly' you. The 'true' you is loving so of course use the spiritual protections. But, don't forget that what you put out is what you get back. Meaning, if you are resonating in a energy sphere of fear then you will attract these things regardless of anything. Just make a decision. If you don't like it then shift and use spiritual protection which is really a shift in the frame of mind. If you don't take control of the situation then think about what you're reflecting in that reality. Because for sure it is a mirror reflection of all 'current' realities so if you don't stand up for yourself then you are probably not standing up for yourself in physical life... Don't be scared. Be self-empowered and take charge!
Remember, if you're not having fun then you're too darn serious! Lighten up if you want enlightenment as described by Bashar. :)
Thank you and thank you friends from every corner of the universe! :*)
Much love to everyone for we are all here now and all in it together.
Just an update then on spiritual protection...
I understand now that if we do see 'scary' or 'fearful' things then it really is just a reminder of the illusions that we have created in our mind. Because only we would send ourselves these negative energies. Why? Because it gives us a 'choice' to decide whether or not to continue believing in these energies or to make a change or a shift.
I asked my intuitive coach why I am seeing images of people or faces in my mind. What she sort of relayed to me was because I was slightly anxious and fearful of what I would see... my mind would not be able to interpret it fully (it also depends on my third eye allowability) but because I had some beliefs about it that were the reason why I kept seeing unpleasant things. So the point is to let go of those negative beliefs and to truly just vibrate higher so that you can match that higher frequency and see clearly what you are wanting to see. Does this make sense?
Also, anytime anything fearful comes up or a negative feeling. It really is just a reminder to us if it's something that we should deal with or something to let go of. It feels negative then protect yourself because it is not 'truly' you. The 'true' you is loving so of course use the spiritual protections. But, don't forget that what you put out is what you get back. Meaning, if you are resonating in a energy sphere of fear then you will attract these things regardless of anything. Just make a decision. If you don't like it then shift and use spiritual protection which is really a shift in the frame of mind. If you don't take control of the situation then think about what you're reflecting in that reality. Because for sure it is a mirror reflection of all 'current' realities so if you don't stand up for yourself then you are probably not standing up for yourself in physical life... Don't be scared. Be self-empowered and take charge!
Remember, if you're not having fun then you're too darn serious! Lighten up if you want enlightenment as described by Bashar. :)
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Just did my tarot reading today! Shift in energies...
I must say I am very happy with my current present results. :)
Much better than how I have been feeling so there is a shift and I noticed that today.
Everything is well.
Ask for help when needed.
Use our imagination to imagine the best for us and the world.
Keep smiling.
Here was my reading! :)
It's law of attraction based so ya!!!
Update: Another awesome reading a few days later!
Here was my first reading ever online a week ago! Gosh... so different and anxiety prone!
You can definitely see my shift in energies! Let's keep it up. I let it all go. :)
Much better than how I have been feeling so there is a shift and I noticed that today.
Everything is well.
Ask for help when needed.
Use our imagination to imagine the best for us and the world.
Keep smiling.
Here was my reading! :)
It's law of attraction based so ya!!!
Update: Another awesome reading a few days later!
Here was my first reading ever online a week ago! Gosh... so different and anxiety prone!
You can definitely see my shift in energies! Let's keep it up. I let it all go. :)
My Intuitive Healing Experience
I went to see a dear intuitive healer/life coach today because of my feelings of 'stuck-ness' and I definitely have been hearing my guides and angels. It was really nice to reconfirm to myself that I can hear, see, and feel the divine and that everything that is happening to me is literally created in my mind. I have seen her last year when I was going through a really tough time. I was in such a huge emotional crisis so it's definitely a different feeling this time.
She told me to work on a few things about myself:
- Both mind/body/soul because to move past from being stuck.
- Cleansing means clearing my body from toxins and clearing my mind from negative/fearful thoughts.
- She told me to try 'Isagenix' or work with a naturopath and to be committed. No procrastination... it is a struggle I daily create for myself.
- She read some deep personal stuff today that I did not think she would while she was doing her healing work.
- I have to work on forgiving myself.
- I have to work on forgiving everyone around me and to let go of any anger towards them because they are living their life experiences and it is what they have learned that has lead them to become this way.
- No one is inherently evil and evil is only something that we create within ourselves. Also, we create abundance within ourselves so it's all us. It's all here and all well within our reach to overcome our struggles and to forgive.
- Also, how Jesus was able to heal and love everyone was that he never saw our dramas and dis-eases as problems, he just viewed them in a different way. As a part of our journey to be us and so that is how he was able to forgive and love everyone. :)
- After my shift from my purification, everything will be okay. Well, everything is inherently okay but it will be more evident in my mind.
- I am looking forward to this!
Other interesting things I found out about myself...
- Highly connected to Angels (Archangel Michael, Raphael, Ariel) and have cherubs and fairies around me
- Had nuns around me and dragons so something about me needing healing and psychic abilities
- Also, connected to Starbeings who are my guides from Essassanae or from where Bashar is from! This is quite cool. Furthermore, she said I have been abducted before and have visited their home because I have lived there before so it's a comfort place for me. They are also of higher vibration so I can learn a lot from them.
- Previous life time had been hung so hence is why I feel very afraid to express my true oppinions in public and especially about spirituality. Well, hence is why I am challenging myself to blog anonymously. Which is why I have always been interested in reading about witches and stuff...
- I am the one creating all these negative thoughts and fears and although some stem from previous life times, it is also that I am creating them this life time!
- Told me that I am meant to be a counsellor... so that's what I have been thinking and probably will go into in the future
- She told me that I am going on the right track or on the right track in terms of my career and spiritual development! I wonder if the angels are just saying this to ease my fear... aha! There is is again... my ego trying to control.
- Ask Archangel Uriel for help with writing!
- Also, I have another energy near me that is feminine either an unborn sister or a close female friend like sister... that's interesting!
- When I came into the door of the shop, she said she felt my presence and I came in with a dove who flew past her. That's a sign of peace. I do feel at peace and that to me is being in the moment.
- Dolphins came by to say hi and they gave me a technique to visualize the rainbow whenever I am feeling upset or stuck or fearful... how beautiful!
- In a previous session, she told me that I was an 'Earth Angel' as coined by Doreen Virtue which I totally can see why and that I have Native Americans/Indians who are also my spirit guides!
Now, what I need to do daily... (basically need to shift my mentality and frame of thought)
- Cut the chords, shielding, asking for Archangel Michael and Raphael's help
- Loving Affirmations daily
- Meditate for 15 minutes
- Thank and appreciate everything here on earth and the universe
- I let go of control and I follow my spirit and higher mind who knows what's best for me. :)
It's great! I feel so much better and I know that it is up to me. I knew it was up to me all along but it's nice to just talk to someone who knows about this stuff. I need to get out more and talk to similar minded people. Here's to be in a spiritual closet. I think I am ready to come out. Who cares if people think I'm crazy. Aha... I mean I'm not mentally crazy. I just have different thoughts than the norm. And it's all good. Love yourself.
Smile and be happy!
I am Tested...
Hi Well-Wishers,
I have been really tested since yesterday. I feel that I am quite sensitive to family drama lately and when I feel injustice, I do stand up for either myself or for my closer family members.
But yesterday I was reminded to just 'let it be'. To just let go of that drama and to not get involved. It honestly bothers me but I realized I have to let other people figure out what they want to do and make their own choices. Sometimes when you see the path of fixing something, others just don't get it. More often, they won't be able to see your vision either.
Today, I will work on letting things go. Letting go of the past and letting things be. Again, I can only control myself and my own reactions and so I'm not really producing harmony if I am also adding fuel to the fire. I said what I had to say and that's it. I don't want to be a complainer because that is what I am realizing myself to be. That's not what I want to be coming from.
Literally, there's appears to be drama around me always with family. I am going to shift my mind into thinking that these are not dramas but life experiences that people need to go through.
I need to be there as a support system and that's what I need to remind myself so I don't get caught up in the windstorm. Anyways, I just needed to vent a little.
On a side note, I have been really interested in psychic medium stuff lately. I have no idea why. I just don't know why I am interested in these things. I am going to see an angel intuitive today! I hope to get some insights on what is going on and what will happen in the coming Fall. Ultimately I know everything is up to me and my thoughts but it's good to get an idea of what I truly need to continue working on and progressing.
I have been really tested since yesterday. I feel that I am quite sensitive to family drama lately and when I feel injustice, I do stand up for either myself or for my closer family members.
But yesterday I was reminded to just 'let it be'. To just let go of that drama and to not get involved. It honestly bothers me but I realized I have to let other people figure out what they want to do and make their own choices. Sometimes when you see the path of fixing something, others just don't get it. More often, they won't be able to see your vision either.
Today, I will work on letting things go. Letting go of the past and letting things be. Again, I can only control myself and my own reactions and so I'm not really producing harmony if I am also adding fuel to the fire. I said what I had to say and that's it. I don't want to be a complainer because that is what I am realizing myself to be. That's not what I want to be coming from.
Literally, there's appears to be drama around me always with family. I am going to shift my mind into thinking that these are not dramas but life experiences that people need to go through.
I need to be there as a support system and that's what I need to remind myself so I don't get caught up in the windstorm. Anyways, I just needed to vent a little.
On a side note, I have been really interested in psychic medium stuff lately. I have no idea why. I just don't know why I am interested in these things. I am going to see an angel intuitive today! I hope to get some insights on what is going on and what will happen in the coming Fall. Ultimately I know everything is up to me and my thoughts but it's good to get an idea of what I truly need to continue working on and progressing.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
A colleague of mind today suggested that I read up about Joe Dispenza. I have only heard of him maybe 1-2 times and that's from the HayHouse website but I don't know much about him.
I sense my colleague is wanting to help me overcome my thinking and thoughts. She wants me to find the job that I am meant to have. A part of me feels a bit defeated because now other people have to help me and they also know that my thoughts are not in alignment with what I want. I feel anxious that other people 'know.' Isn't that interesting? Now I know why when I first did my tarot card reading the other day that I got the word 'defeat.'
So I'm going to take a deep breath and instead of being stubborn about how I can handle and do this all on my own. I am going to give a go at what my colleague would like me to hear from Joe Dispenza. I know I am the creator of the universe and I have not admitted to my colleagues that in the beginning, I did not want the job. I just did not because there were a lot of other emotional things occurring in my reality and I created many scenarios to not go for it. I don't know why... and now of course I have to deal with the consequences of not following through my passions. I want it so bad now and I have to let go of a lot of my beliefs and feelings that have built up in the last couple of months. I believe teaching is my passion and so I guess it's surprising everyone how I am currently not teaching. Well, I am going to change this. I am on my way to physically manifesting a position. I just know it!
Today, I went to a truly inspiring workshop and I just love everything about it! I am truly thankful to have amazing colleagues who want me to grow and learn with them and take me under their wing. Maybe I have not been so honest with myself... perhaps I have been feeling a bit shy. Perhaps I have been feeling that I don't qualify. But all these feelings are fears... fears that I allowed myself to feel and thus manifest into frustration and disappointment. I will be accepting my degree in one week! I am very proud of myself and I should be. It's always been a struggle for me to acknowledge myself and love myself for accomplishing so much. But this time I will be because I did it for me.
Anyways, I feel like I'm jumping everywhere today but it's my blog so I can do whatever I want with it. I'm going to check out Joe Dispenza and update on it tonight. I know I am a great manifestor because I have manifested so many things in life. I am letting go of my past. I am letting go of what I could of and should of done. I am not perfect but I am perfectly me. I am deserving of a teaching job because I know I will make a huge difference! :)
I just realized that I am 'insecure.' I am worried that everything is 'too late' because all the others have done it ahead of me or before me. *breathes* This is not serving me and I would like to let it go. I let it go. It's that self-sabotage again. But I will be nice to myself and not let myself get into the habit of picking on me. How can I have so much compassion for others yet do not have compassion for myself? It doesn't make sense.
I sense my colleague is wanting to help me overcome my thinking and thoughts. She wants me to find the job that I am meant to have. A part of me feels a bit defeated because now other people have to help me and they also know that my thoughts are not in alignment with what I want. I feel anxious that other people 'know.' Isn't that interesting? Now I know why when I first did my tarot card reading the other day that I got the word 'defeat.'
So I'm going to take a deep breath and instead of being stubborn about how I can handle and do this all on my own. I am going to give a go at what my colleague would like me to hear from Joe Dispenza. I know I am the creator of the universe and I have not admitted to my colleagues that in the beginning, I did not want the job. I just did not because there were a lot of other emotional things occurring in my reality and I created many scenarios to not go for it. I don't know why... and now of course I have to deal with the consequences of not following through my passions. I want it so bad now and I have to let go of a lot of my beliefs and feelings that have built up in the last couple of months. I believe teaching is my passion and so I guess it's surprising everyone how I am currently not teaching. Well, I am going to change this. I am on my way to physically manifesting a position. I just know it!
Today, I went to a truly inspiring workshop and I just love everything about it! I am truly thankful to have amazing colleagues who want me to grow and learn with them and take me under their wing. Maybe I have not been so honest with myself... perhaps I have been feeling a bit shy. Perhaps I have been feeling that I don't qualify. But all these feelings are fears... fears that I allowed myself to feel and thus manifest into frustration and disappointment. I will be accepting my degree in one week! I am very proud of myself and I should be. It's always been a struggle for me to acknowledge myself and love myself for accomplishing so much. But this time I will be because I did it for me.
Anyways, I feel like I'm jumping everywhere today but it's my blog so I can do whatever I want with it. I'm going to check out Joe Dispenza and update on it tonight. I know I am a great manifestor because I have manifested so many things in life. I am letting go of my past. I am letting go of what I could of and should of done. I am not perfect but I am perfectly me. I am deserving of a teaching job because I know I will make a huge difference! :)
I just realized that I am 'insecure.' I am worried that everything is 'too late' because all the others have done it ahead of me or before me. *breathes* This is not serving me and I would like to let it go. I let it go. It's that self-sabotage again. But I will be nice to myself and not let myself get into the habit of picking on me. How can I have so much compassion for others yet do not have compassion for myself? It doesn't make sense.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Tarot Cards
Hello Well-Wishers!
I suddenly became interested in tarot cards two days ago. I have no idea why and I don't remember why I decided to go online to look for free tarot card readings. Well, the inspiration came in and I would really like to know some answers to my questions.
The first time I laid my eyes on tarot cards when in grade 9. My friend took out a deck of tarot cards and did a reading for me. I was super amazed at the accuracy of the reading and I could not believe it! She surprised many of our friends and later on I realized how magical her family is. Well, it was pretty neat! I haven't had much experience since then so I'm not sure why I decided to look into tarot cards but I did!
I probably over did it to many times and now I am a bit confused so I'm just going to go for the entertainment value of it. Big whoops. I didn't realize you weren't suppose to do that until after my 7th try. Needless to say, two cards were still memorable to me and so I'll just share what I remember.
I absolutely love the sun! To me, it makes me happy and smiley. I'm so glad to hear that after all that I have been through that something wonderful is going to breakthrough. I pulled this card out every reading that I did online.
Energy. Confidence. New Beginnings. Opportunity. Staying positive! :*)
When I read about this card, it mentioned that I may currently feel stuck or restricted in my life. Previously, I was. I was for a couple of months. I was on a roll and doing so well and then suddenly I mentally suspended myself. I have been focusing on my spiritual development but a lot of my other life project fell apart. I wanted to control everything and expected things to happen the way I wanted them to. When it didn't, I became disappointed at myself. After all, I know all about manifestation so why did it not happen? What I learned is that the more you know, the more powerful your thoughts become and what you attract will go either way (positive and negative) depending on what you are thinking and believing. It's time to 'let it go' and 'surrender.' That is something that I have been working on in these last couple of weeks. Surrender and let it happen instead of trying to manifest or control things.
Accept. Surrender to present circumstances. Let it go. Release. I let go of my past.
I suddenly became interested in tarot cards two days ago. I have no idea why and I don't remember why I decided to go online to look for free tarot card readings. Well, the inspiration came in and I would really like to know some answers to my questions.
The first time I laid my eyes on tarot cards when in grade 9. My friend took out a deck of tarot cards and did a reading for me. I was super amazed at the accuracy of the reading and I could not believe it! She surprised many of our friends and later on I realized how magical her family is. Well, it was pretty neat! I haven't had much experience since then so I'm not sure why I decided to look into tarot cards but I did!
I probably over did it to many times and now I am a bit confused so I'm just going to go for the entertainment value of it. Big whoops. I didn't realize you weren't suppose to do that until after my 7th try. Needless to say, two cards were still memorable to me and so I'll just share what I remember.
I absolutely love the sun! To me, it makes me happy and smiley. I'm so glad to hear that after all that I have been through that something wonderful is going to breakthrough. I pulled this card out every reading that I did online.
Energy. Confidence. New Beginnings. Opportunity. Staying positive! :*)
When I read about this card, it mentioned that I may currently feel stuck or restricted in my life. Previously, I was. I was for a couple of months. I was on a roll and doing so well and then suddenly I mentally suspended myself. I have been focusing on my spiritual development but a lot of my other life project fell apart. I wanted to control everything and expected things to happen the way I wanted them to. When it didn't, I became disappointed at myself. After all, I know all about manifestation so why did it not happen? What I learned is that the more you know, the more powerful your thoughts become and what you attract will go either way (positive and negative) depending on what you are thinking and believing. It's time to 'let it go' and 'surrender.' That is something that I have been working on in these last couple of weeks. Surrender and let it happen instead of trying to manifest or control things.
Accept. Surrender to present circumstances. Let it go. Release. I let go of my past.
Monday, 13 May 2013
Help with mental clarity - Earth's Natural Sound - C# music note
When I first heard about this, I heard about it from Bashar. I make reference to him quite a bit because he really helped me with my journey of overcoming depression. So to me, what he has to say really resonates with what I need to work on. He provides tools and clear descriptions of things happening that really help a right-brained person like me understand the physics of things. What I also really appreciate is that he always says to not believe in what he has to say but only take what you need to help your own life. Just like something that Buddah says:
But anyways, I was going with the flow and while doing a quick meditation, a thought came into my mind and that was to listen to C# - the Earth's natural tone. According to Bashar, listening to this frequency or projecting it out in the open can really help realign you or the place and provide mental clarity and more ease and freedom. You can listen to the clip on youtube and make the call yourself.
Music is powerful and music is made up of all different frequencies. Frequencies are really energy put into a specific category. And since everything is energy and you and I are made up of energy then yes it will affect you. So music affects us all in different ways depending on our state of mind/being and energy frequency. The earth's natural frequency is C# and slightly higher. This is a tool or a permission slip to help you with your journey on Earth. You don't have to use it because you are powerful enough to shift consciously if you want but sometimes a little help makes the process easier. Happy listening and do what works best for you and others!
Here is a clip of C# that I just listened to. Brought me goosebumps and also reminded me of many of the clips of 'strange sounds' coming from no where. I think people were listening to the natural frequency sound of the earth! How cool is that?
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”One of these days soon, I will have to blog about my depression experience. If you're interested, please let me know! Maybe that will push me to start writing about it sooner.
But anyways, I was going with the flow and while doing a quick meditation, a thought came into my mind and that was to listen to C# - the Earth's natural tone. According to Bashar, listening to this frequency or projecting it out in the open can really help realign you or the place and provide mental clarity and more ease and freedom. You can listen to the clip on youtube and make the call yourself.
Here is a clip of C# that I just listened to. Brought me goosebumps and also reminded me of many of the clips of 'strange sounds' coming from no where. I think people were listening to the natural frequency sound of the earth! How cool is that?
Today I am thankful for...
I am thankful for the rain.
I am thankful for my healthy body.
I am thankful for my mental clarity.
I am thankful for the Earth's love for humanity.
I am thankful for a roof over the top of my head.
I am thankful for internet and wifi.
I am thankful for the ability to openly express myself.
I am thankful for freedom.
I am thankful for the feelings of ease and freedom.
I am thankful for the knowledge that I am able to shift consciously.
I am thankful for this life experience on Earth.
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my independence.
I am thankful for the ability to learn to love myself.
I am thankful for the trees.
I am thankful for the flowers.
I am thankful for the work that I have been given.
I am thankful for the money that is flowing towards me with ease.
I am thankful for wonderful friends.
I am thankful for the many opportunities that are coming my way.
I am thankful for my uncle who is doing well.
I am thankful for my dad who is doing well.
I am thankful for the chance to connect with my guides and angels this Saturday with an intuitive healer.
I am thankful for all my life experiences.
I am thankful for all the help from my universal friends.
I am thankful for the ability to be openly creative.
I am thankful for everyone.
I am thankful for everything.
I am thankful for the many permissions slips and tools I have received in life.
I am thankful for the ability to share my knowledge with others.
I am thankful for my voice and my strong confidence in what I believe in.
I am thankful for being me and loving me.
I appreciate life and I love life.
I accept others for who they are and what they have been through.
I am always connected and I am always giving and receiving.
I am.
Hay House World Summit June 1-10
Cool! Just found this online. Might be worth checking out if you want to listen to free talks that will uplift your life. I love Louise Hay!
Check out the link:
Check out the link:
Current dreams... Being chased/killed, happy dreams, and chatting with Bashar!
In the last couple of weeks, I have been having very strange dreams. They all have a theme and it has to do with people dressed in black chasing me with weapons and guns trying to kill me and I am near water almost all of the time. In one of the dreams, I let them stab me but I get right back up. It's dreams like these recently that are a little confusing.
Then I get dreams that I would love to manifest in real life like having my career going and getting interviews. I am so excited and happy and then I wake up and here I am in this reality. It's the shifting and allowing and appreciating recipe for manifestation that is tricky. But I have to say that everything that I have ever wanted has manifested except for the two things: career and freedom from debt. I intend to get them all sorted by this year. I understand this process is part of the journey and I shouldn't put myself down but enough is enough. Action is my intention now and I will get what I want. Almost every material thing that I have ever wanted and believed that I could attain has materialized. I guess inside of me I just wish my dreams that I have would become the reality here. *Breathes* Letting it all go.
Then yesterday I dreamt about having a session with Bashar and Darryl Anka, the channeller for Bashar. I made myself a mental note a couple days ago that I would like to get in touch with Bashar and so I did in my dream world. He then transcribed it all in paper for me to take home but I cannot remember anything from the session! That's the thing about dreams... you only remember bits and pieces. I should of woke up and immediately wrote down what was told to me. All I remember now is that between the hours of 1-3am or I forgot but I'm sure he meant 'am' that I stay positive and think positive thoughts. That's the best time for me to be in 'alignment.' So all I remember is 1-3am and be in 'alignment.' Does anyone know what this means? Anyways, it was really cool and then my alarm woke me up!
Then I get dreams that I would love to manifest in real life like having my career going and getting interviews. I am so excited and happy and then I wake up and here I am in this reality. It's the shifting and allowing and appreciating recipe for manifestation that is tricky. But I have to say that everything that I have ever wanted has manifested except for the two things: career and freedom from debt. I intend to get them all sorted by this year. I understand this process is part of the journey and I shouldn't put myself down but enough is enough. Action is my intention now and I will get what I want. Almost every material thing that I have ever wanted and believed that I could attain has materialized. I guess inside of me I just wish my dreams that I have would become the reality here. *Breathes* Letting it all go.
Then yesterday I dreamt about having a session with Bashar and Darryl Anka, the channeller for Bashar. I made myself a mental note a couple days ago that I would like to get in touch with Bashar and so I did in my dream world. He then transcribed it all in paper for me to take home but I cannot remember anything from the session! That's the thing about dreams... you only remember bits and pieces. I should of woke up and immediately wrote down what was told to me. All I remember now is that between the hours of 1-3am or I forgot but I'm sure he meant 'am' that I stay positive and think positive thoughts. That's the best time for me to be in 'alignment.' So all I remember is 1-3am and be in 'alignment.' Does anyone know what this means? Anyways, it was really cool and then my alarm woke me up!
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Bashar on the Mechanism of Manifestation
Bashar: One of the things we will also be discussing in this segment is the whole concept of, in a sense, what you call -- manifestation. Now, let us provide you with a slightly different idea and understanding of the concept of manifestation. Because many of you when you think about the idea of attempting to manifest something, bring it into your reality, make it appear, solidify it, crystallize it, make it experiential, are coming from a point of view -- also definitional and belief system related -- that it is something that does not exist in your reality that you are attracting into, that you are bringing into your reality, that somehow it is ephemeral and non-physical and you have to somehow make it solid, make it appear, make it real.
That is not the case! What it is that is representative of your preference and what you call your desires to manifest, already exists in your reality; it is already manifested. The idea of manifestation is not bringing something that doesn't exist into existence, or attracting something over there and bringing it over here. The idea is that what you desire to manifest is already here, already existent, already real. Manifestation is the process of giving yourself the ability to realize, to perceive that it is already here. You do not have to do any magical thing to MAKE IT come into existence. It is already existent, it is already within your sphere of reality. It is just that your belief system makes it invisible to you.
So manifestation is not the process of actually conjuring something out of nothing, it is the process of making the invisible visible, and that simply requires an alteration of perception -- that's all it takes! So we are going to be talking about that idea as well. Let us begin right there.
The idea of one of the mechanisms of manifestation that allows the invisible to become visible is something that uses the power of paradox very strongly. We often talk about the idea of "paradox" as the recognition that you are in a very powerful place right in the center of your power. Because what to you may seem paradoxical, what to you may seem contradictory, two opposing ideas that cannot, necessarily, seem to co-exist, but do co-exist, tells you right then and there that there must be a middle ground from which they both come. And that middle ground, that balance point is your place of power from which you have generated the apparently paradoxical and apparently contradictory concepts. But because you can perceive them both tells you, it tells you, that just the perception of those things alone, tells you, that you are actually in the center of those things. That they come from the center of your being. And that you are simply seeing reflections of the polarity -- expressions of the polarity of creation. But polarity within you combines and interacts in a very specific way to generate your true perfect place of balance, and perfect place of power.
So when you see paradox -- rejoice!. Because it is telling you that you are standing right in the center of your creative self and have the ability to, thus, then, manifest and transform -- and make the invisible visible very quickly.
Let us explain a little bit more clearly about he paradoxical nature of the mechanism of manifestation. Many of you have been taught to think about the idea of manifestation as an issue of intention, as an issue of focus, as an issue of concentration -- and in a sense this is accurate. However, a very important point is often left out, or at the very least sometimes this point is spoken of independently and so no connection is made to the idea as a whole concept. The two seemingly paradoxical issues here are: intention, focus and concentration. And conversely on the other side, what you have often heard from many metaphysical and new age information sources -- the idea of surrender and letting go. These two things are not diametrically opposed, they are not mutually exclusive, they work together in a whole mechanism. In other words, the secret, one direction of the paradoxical mechanism is, the idea of intention, focus and concentration. AND THEN, after that has been done, letting go and surrendering, and letting the intention, focus, and concentration do its job on higher levels. Working these two things, linking these two things together gives you the entire mechanism of manifestation of at least one direction of the energy. We will discuss the other direction in a moment.
But, first, let us again, amplify this concept. And again understand this connects to the notion of the15 minute time span in the following way -- any time you have a desire, or a preference for a manifestation, the idea, yes, is that it must be representative of your passion, it must become your world. The intention, the focus, in a sense, the concentration is there if that is representative of your passion. Because when something is representative of your passion you are automatically focused on it. You automatically intend it. You automatically concentrating all of your attention on that idea because that is what passion does. If you are passionate about something there is no other choice. There is no other consideration, all other things fall by the wayside. That is a true description of the idea of being in your passion -- there simply is no other choice.
So there is automatic focus, automatic intention. If then, in what you call a peaceful state, a meditative state, or a focused state, you allow yourself to image that passionate idea, that manifestation that is desired and feel it and build that energy up in your energy -- in your emotions, in your passion -- build that energy up to a peak over a course of simply 15 minutes and no longer, sometimes even less, when you get proficient at it, you don't always need all 15 minutes, but 15 minutes at the most is all that is necessary for you to activate the idea of the wheels of the gears and put it in motion with regard to the idea of allowing the invisible to become visible, but when you do that, when you build it to a peak, over a course of a few minuets or 15, the next step is to completely and utterly LET IT GO, FORGET ABOUT IT! STOP CARING ABOUT IT. LET IT GO AND SURRENDER IT UTTERLY TO THE HIGHER SELF. LET THE HIGHER SELF DO THE JOB!!!!
You see physical reality, while apparently complicated at times, is actually not extremely complex. In a sense it is actually built on very simple principles and you don't actually have to do very much to get the ball rolling. So, because your physical mind, as we have said a few times, is not designed to understand how things are going to happen, how things are going to manifest. The how is the purview of the Higher Mind, and because the physical mind does not actually have the capacity, the capability to understand, it is not designed to understand how that is going to happen. All it needs to do is flip the switch and let the Higher Mind do the how, do the things that are necessary to cause the synchronicities in your life that need to be there, and the downloads and inspiration that needs to come to you to allow the invisible to become visible -- to allow the manifestation to occur,
So all you need to do is do it a little bit, for no longer than 15 minuets bring that up to a full peak of passion, a full peak of imagination, a full peak of visualization -- however it is that you wish to do it -- with that intensity, that concentration and that focus and then utterly, utterly, utterly let that go.
Now we understated, again, that because of certain negative beliefs, many of you find it difficult to actually let it go, but that is very important because without the letting go side you don't actually have the whole mechanism engaged. It is important to understand that the intensity, focus and concentration must be paired with the surrendering and the letting go to actually have the whole mechanism of manifestation. This is using the power of paradox built into this idtea, to this process, to this Permission Slip.
Letting go means you really know, you really know, you really know that the Higher Mind is doing its job and YOU CAN NOW RELAX. The physical mind can relax. It doesn’t need to do anything else, it can relax, it doesn't need to do anything else. It is not required, nor is it CAPABLE of doing anything else.
So, really, really, really when you know this you can allow your mind, your physical mind, to just let it go, knowing it is in good hands, in a sense, and get on about your day focusing on the next most exciting thing you are capable of taking action on. At the same time, again, you must be clear as we already said, about your motivations, to ensure that what it is that you are focusing on, what it is you are surrendering to, is truly representative of your highest passion; instead of something that is simply being labeled as such to actually act as an avoidance to what you highest passion actually could be. This is where you have to really be clear, again, about the idea of what beliefs you are dealing with, because many of you often fool yourselves, and trick yourselves, through the negative belief system into thinking that you are acting on your excitement, when in fact, you are actually acting out of anxiety, and covering it up because you are afraid to look at the idea of what it is that actually does excite you because of all the negative beliefs you've attached to it.
So cleaning out your motivational mechanism and finding out what beliefs you have attached to it is the primary first and fundamental process that is required in order to actually use the tool of manifestation in a clear and concise and precise manner. Once you have your motivation clear and you know that what you are focusing on is truly representative of you passion then you will find that this mechanism of manifestation works very, very strongly, and very well and often very rapidly.
But the idea, again, is that you cannot worry it there, you cannot make it happen, you cannot insist that it happen at a certain time and in a certain way, because then you are, once again, putting conditions on it, you are not allowing yourself to truly let it go, You are not allowing, thus, then, the Higher Mind to do its job. You are actually blocking the entire process by keeping, in a sense, the control, or trying to, keep control of the situation within the physical realm. And the physical realm is not designed to handle energy in that way. It does not have the ability, it does not have the capacity, to do the job of the Higher Self. It simply doesn’t work in physical reality that way. It would be as if you dove down under the sea with your breathing apparatus and then instead of allowing yourself to rise to the surface and taking your mask off, taking your breathing apparatus off and taking a deep breath up there to go back into that realm, it is as if you are insisting by trying to control it in physical reality, it is as if you are taking off your mask, taking off your breathing apparatus underwater and inhaling and wonder why you start choking, and wondering why you cannot see that far any more, why things are suddenly murky and muddy and why you are suddenly drowning.
The idea is you must allow yourself, your whole self, to participate in this idea of creation of your reality. And you are not a whole self, you are not a whole person unless you allow the physical mind and the Higher Mind to work in concert. We know that many of you have been taught to think that the idea of the Higher Mind, being that it is non-physical, is somehow not really a part of who you are as a person, it's something else, somewhere else, on another plane, on another level and has nothing to do with what you are suppose to be doing as a personality, in terms of guiding yourself through life, but that is not the case. In order to actually move through physical reality as a whole person you need the back and forth, you need to work in concert, you need a partnership between the physical mind and Higher Mind, so that you can actually function as a whole person and use each component in the way it was designed to be used. So that you can then allow the mechanism of manifestation in the creation of your reality to work in an effortless and aligned way with the idea of the idea of the vibration of yourself as a total being.
So, the idea of the power of the power of paradox in this manifestation mechanism is also working in the opposite direction, for as you allow yourself to have the intensity of focus on your highest passion and you allow that energy to build up to a pin point, a white hot pin point of concentrational focus and imagery and energy and emotional feeling, bringing it to that fever pitch, and then, as you let it go, the idea that is moving in the opposite direction is the issue of concentration and expansion.
The idea here is that as you actually concentrate, in a sense, as you bring things down to a pin point, you're actually raising the frequency, you are actually expanding the frequency of your energy by focusing it down to such a small focus, small passionate pinpoint, your are actually expanding your energy, in a sense, building it up, in that sense, reaching out, letting it expand, because you are now focused solely on your passion, more in alignment with your true core natural self. So your energy will expand as you let go, in a sense, the energy then collapses back to your physical self. But as it has done so, it is similar to what your physicist call "Collapse of the Wave Form," What this means is as you focus and as you concentrate and as you expand and expand and expand your energy bubble, you are containing all probable ways of manifestation that are best for you that could occur. You are expanding your probability net and as soon as you then surrender and let it go, and that energy bubble collapses back down to your immediate reality, you are allowing the bubble to then automatically choose the highest probabilities that will actually help you bring the manifestation into your awareness
So this is the paradoxical mechanism, as you focus, as you concentrate, as you in a sense, narrow your field of view on the thing that you are most passionate about, you actually expand you bubble of energy probabilities. And as you let it go, as you release, as you surrender, you actually allow the bubble to collapse down to the most likely ways, the paths of least resistance that are there for you to bring the kind of synchronicity into your life that will most likely, most probably allow for that manifestation to occur in the most effortless, most rapid way possible. Do you understand this mechanism?
AUD: Yes.
That is not the case! What it is that is representative of your preference and what you call your desires to manifest, already exists in your reality; it is already manifested. The idea of manifestation is not bringing something that doesn't exist into existence, or attracting something over there and bringing it over here. The idea is that what you desire to manifest is already here, already existent, already real. Manifestation is the process of giving yourself the ability to realize, to perceive that it is already here. You do not have to do any magical thing to MAKE IT come into existence. It is already existent, it is already within your sphere of reality. It is just that your belief system makes it invisible to you.
So manifestation is not the process of actually conjuring something out of nothing, it is the process of making the invisible visible, and that simply requires an alteration of perception -- that's all it takes! So we are going to be talking about that idea as well. Let us begin right there.
The idea of one of the mechanisms of manifestation that allows the invisible to become visible is something that uses the power of paradox very strongly. We often talk about the idea of "paradox" as the recognition that you are in a very powerful place right in the center of your power. Because what to you may seem paradoxical, what to you may seem contradictory, two opposing ideas that cannot, necessarily, seem to co-exist, but do co-exist, tells you right then and there that there must be a middle ground from which they both come. And that middle ground, that balance point is your place of power from which you have generated the apparently paradoxical and apparently contradictory concepts. But because you can perceive them both tells you, it tells you, that just the perception of those things alone, tells you, that you are actually in the center of those things. That they come from the center of your being. And that you are simply seeing reflections of the polarity -- expressions of the polarity of creation. But polarity within you combines and interacts in a very specific way to generate your true perfect place of balance, and perfect place of power.
So when you see paradox -- rejoice!. Because it is telling you that you are standing right in the center of your creative self and have the ability to, thus, then, manifest and transform -- and make the invisible visible very quickly.
Let us explain a little bit more clearly about he paradoxical nature of the mechanism of manifestation. Many of you have been taught to think about the idea of manifestation as an issue of intention, as an issue of focus, as an issue of concentration -- and in a sense this is accurate. However, a very important point is often left out, or at the very least sometimes this point is spoken of independently and so no connection is made to the idea as a whole concept. The two seemingly paradoxical issues here are: intention, focus and concentration. And conversely on the other side, what you have often heard from many metaphysical and new age information sources -- the idea of surrender and letting go. These two things are not diametrically opposed, they are not mutually exclusive, they work together in a whole mechanism. In other words, the secret, one direction of the paradoxical mechanism is, the idea of intention, focus and concentration. AND THEN, after that has been done, letting go and surrendering, and letting the intention, focus, and concentration do its job on higher levels. Working these two things, linking these two things together gives you the entire mechanism of manifestation of at least one direction of the energy. We will discuss the other direction in a moment.
But, first, let us again, amplify this concept. And again understand this connects to the notion of the15 minute time span in the following way -- any time you have a desire, or a preference for a manifestation, the idea, yes, is that it must be representative of your passion, it must become your world. The intention, the focus, in a sense, the concentration is there if that is representative of your passion. Because when something is representative of your passion you are automatically focused on it. You automatically intend it. You automatically concentrating all of your attention on that idea because that is what passion does. If you are passionate about something there is no other choice. There is no other consideration, all other things fall by the wayside. That is a true description of the idea of being in your passion -- there simply is no other choice.
So there is automatic focus, automatic intention. If then, in what you call a peaceful state, a meditative state, or a focused state, you allow yourself to image that passionate idea, that manifestation that is desired and feel it and build that energy up in your energy -- in your emotions, in your passion -- build that energy up to a peak over a course of simply 15 minutes and no longer, sometimes even less, when you get proficient at it, you don't always need all 15 minutes, but 15 minutes at the most is all that is necessary for you to activate the idea of the wheels of the gears and put it in motion with regard to the idea of allowing the invisible to become visible, but when you do that, when you build it to a peak, over a course of a few minuets or 15, the next step is to completely and utterly LET IT GO, FORGET ABOUT IT! STOP CARING ABOUT IT. LET IT GO AND SURRENDER IT UTTERLY TO THE HIGHER SELF. LET THE HIGHER SELF DO THE JOB!!!!
You see physical reality, while apparently complicated at times, is actually not extremely complex. In a sense it is actually built on very simple principles and you don't actually have to do very much to get the ball rolling. So, because your physical mind, as we have said a few times, is not designed to understand how things are going to happen, how things are going to manifest. The how is the purview of the Higher Mind, and because the physical mind does not actually have the capacity, the capability to understand, it is not designed to understand how that is going to happen. All it needs to do is flip the switch and let the Higher Mind do the how, do the things that are necessary to cause the synchronicities in your life that need to be there, and the downloads and inspiration that needs to come to you to allow the invisible to become visible -- to allow the manifestation to occur,
So all you need to do is do it a little bit, for no longer than 15 minuets bring that up to a full peak of passion, a full peak of imagination, a full peak of visualization -- however it is that you wish to do it -- with that intensity, that concentration and that focus and then utterly, utterly, utterly let that go.
Now we understated, again, that because of certain negative beliefs, many of you find it difficult to actually let it go, but that is very important because without the letting go side you don't actually have the whole mechanism engaged. It is important to understand that the intensity, focus and concentration must be paired with the surrendering and the letting go to actually have the whole mechanism of manifestation. This is using the power of paradox built into this idtea, to this process, to this Permission Slip.
Letting go means you really know, you really know, you really know that the Higher Mind is doing its job and YOU CAN NOW RELAX. The physical mind can relax. It doesn’t need to do anything else, it can relax, it doesn't need to do anything else. It is not required, nor is it CAPABLE of doing anything else.
So, really, really, really when you know this you can allow your mind, your physical mind, to just let it go, knowing it is in good hands, in a sense, and get on about your day focusing on the next most exciting thing you are capable of taking action on. At the same time, again, you must be clear as we already said, about your motivations, to ensure that what it is that you are focusing on, what it is you are surrendering to, is truly representative of your highest passion; instead of something that is simply being labeled as such to actually act as an avoidance to what you highest passion actually could be. This is where you have to really be clear, again, about the idea of what beliefs you are dealing with, because many of you often fool yourselves, and trick yourselves, through the negative belief system into thinking that you are acting on your excitement, when in fact, you are actually acting out of anxiety, and covering it up because you are afraid to look at the idea of what it is that actually does excite you because of all the negative beliefs you've attached to it.
So cleaning out your motivational mechanism and finding out what beliefs you have attached to it is the primary first and fundamental process that is required in order to actually use the tool of manifestation in a clear and concise and precise manner. Once you have your motivation clear and you know that what you are focusing on is truly representative of you passion then you will find that this mechanism of manifestation works very, very strongly, and very well and often very rapidly.
But the idea, again, is that you cannot worry it there, you cannot make it happen, you cannot insist that it happen at a certain time and in a certain way, because then you are, once again, putting conditions on it, you are not allowing yourself to truly let it go, You are not allowing, thus, then, the Higher Mind to do its job. You are actually blocking the entire process by keeping, in a sense, the control, or trying to, keep control of the situation within the physical realm. And the physical realm is not designed to handle energy in that way. It does not have the ability, it does not have the capacity, to do the job of the Higher Self. It simply doesn’t work in physical reality that way. It would be as if you dove down under the sea with your breathing apparatus and then instead of allowing yourself to rise to the surface and taking your mask off, taking your breathing apparatus off and taking a deep breath up there to go back into that realm, it is as if you are insisting by trying to control it in physical reality, it is as if you are taking off your mask, taking off your breathing apparatus underwater and inhaling and wonder why you start choking, and wondering why you cannot see that far any more, why things are suddenly murky and muddy and why you are suddenly drowning.
The idea is you must allow yourself, your whole self, to participate in this idea of creation of your reality. And you are not a whole self, you are not a whole person unless you allow the physical mind and the Higher Mind to work in concert. We know that many of you have been taught to think that the idea of the Higher Mind, being that it is non-physical, is somehow not really a part of who you are as a person, it's something else, somewhere else, on another plane, on another level and has nothing to do with what you are suppose to be doing as a personality, in terms of guiding yourself through life, but that is not the case. In order to actually move through physical reality as a whole person you need the back and forth, you need to work in concert, you need a partnership between the physical mind and Higher Mind, so that you can actually function as a whole person and use each component in the way it was designed to be used. So that you can then allow the mechanism of manifestation in the creation of your reality to work in an effortless and aligned way with the idea of the idea of the vibration of yourself as a total being.
So, the idea of the power of the power of paradox in this manifestation mechanism is also working in the opposite direction, for as you allow yourself to have the intensity of focus on your highest passion and you allow that energy to build up to a pin point, a white hot pin point of concentrational focus and imagery and energy and emotional feeling, bringing it to that fever pitch, and then, as you let it go, the idea that is moving in the opposite direction is the issue of concentration and expansion.
The idea here is that as you actually concentrate, in a sense, as you bring things down to a pin point, you're actually raising the frequency, you are actually expanding the frequency of your energy by focusing it down to such a small focus, small passionate pinpoint, your are actually expanding your energy, in a sense, building it up, in that sense, reaching out, letting it expand, because you are now focused solely on your passion, more in alignment with your true core natural self. So your energy will expand as you let go, in a sense, the energy then collapses back to your physical self. But as it has done so, it is similar to what your physicist call "Collapse of the Wave Form," What this means is as you focus and as you concentrate and as you expand and expand and expand your energy bubble, you are containing all probable ways of manifestation that are best for you that could occur. You are expanding your probability net and as soon as you then surrender and let it go, and that energy bubble collapses back down to your immediate reality, you are allowing the bubble to then automatically choose the highest probabilities that will actually help you bring the manifestation into your awareness
So this is the paradoxical mechanism, as you focus, as you concentrate, as you in a sense, narrow your field of view on the thing that you are most passionate about, you actually expand you bubble of energy probabilities. And as you let it go, as you release, as you surrender, you actually allow the bubble to collapse down to the most likely ways, the paths of least resistance that are there for you to bring the kind of synchronicity into your life that will most likely, most probably allow for that manifestation to occur in the most effortless, most rapid way possible. Do you understand this mechanism?
AUD: Yes.
Monday, 6 May 2013
Have you ever had a vision that gave you chills?
I am on a quest to discover what my true purpose here in life is and what I mean by that is what can I contribute and add value to this world in the most positive way while staying true to myself!
I had an opportunity to do some quiet visualizations back in January to what my vision for my business would be. At that time, I had no idea and so I just closed by and went with the flow.
I asked myself: Where do I want to go with my business? What is my big vision?
Here is what I saw in my mind and I quickly transcribed it onto paper right after...
The idea is somewhat similar to this picture that I found on Google Images.
I know they say to keep your dreams close to you because they are so special but every time I think of this dream, I get chills. When I saw that vision in my mind, I saw myself standing in the middle of it and it was such a beautiful place. I don't know exactly what services I offered or what exactly my position was but the core values of my business was acceptance of all beings and to empower all beings to remember how powerful they are.
I just want to put this out there as a reminder for myself!
I had an opportunity to do some quiet visualizations back in January to what my vision for my business would be. At that time, I had no idea and so I just closed by and went with the flow.
I asked myself: Where do I want to go with my business? What is my big vision?
Here is what I saw in my mind and I quickly transcribed it onto paper right after...
"I see a vision of a beautiful school with high tall windows and the sun shining into the big windows. I see children laughing and parents being invovled. I see colleagues who enjoy their work and are sharing their passions with the children. I see a huge wide open space where open ended learning is appreciated and loved. I feel the love and joy that this place brings for the children and the parents. The parents are also there with their children encouraging their growth, their spirit, and their light. I see money flowing in and people happily spending their money on the services that we provide for them. I use a part of the money to travel to different schools and learn about different school systems in the world and bring it back to my practise and to share with others. I connect the community with other communities in the world and with other children in our world. I am a leader and a visionary in my business. This visiualization made me cry which was very interesting. I set myself apart by being authentic, genuine, and proactive. The space is huge, inviting and warm feeling."This is what I wrote in my journal.
The idea is somewhat similar to this picture that I found on Google Images.
I know they say to keep your dreams close to you because they are so special but every time I think of this dream, I get chills. When I saw that vision in my mind, I saw myself standing in the middle of it and it was such a beautiful place. I don't know exactly what services I offered or what exactly my position was but the core values of my business was acceptance of all beings and to empower all beings to remember how powerful they are.
I just want to put this out there as a reminder for myself!
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Things You Must Do Everyday - Abraham Hicks
This video has been popping up on my 'Recommended' video section of Youtube a lot.
I Can Do It! Vancouver Event
About two weeks ago, I manifested free tickets to the I Can Do It! Vancouver event held by Hay House! I had a great time by myself as I don't know personally anyone who is interested in these ideas however a lot of people do know who Wayne Dyer is.
I completely remember last year's I Can Do It! Vancouver event. I really wanted to go but I could not afford the tickets. Also, I had just learned about Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, and Hay House so I was not able to manifest the money in time to see the event. But I made a mental note that I would love to attend next year's event.
To be honest, I did not want to put out over $175.00 for tickets to the event. Somehow, I wanted to manifest it in a different way and luckily my mom was able to request free tickets at her work place! I was so estatic but never got a reply on whether or not I was able to get the tickets. Finally, on Saturday morning my mom received a phone call telling her that she had got the tickets!
I was beyond excited! I was already running around town and I was beyond excited! I couldn't believe I had manifested free tickets to the show. I really wanted to meet Doreen Virtue since my first encounter with angels. She is known as the 'angel' lady and I just could not believe it!
A lot of the things I've ever wanted in life have almost all manifested except for my career and making enough money. In the last couple of weeks, I have been thinking that one of my life lessons to learn here is to learn how to navigate making money at will while following our passions. I know I must of created this scenario for myself so this process is a learning process. Anytime I am stressed and overwhelmed, I just remember how much this life is truly just an 'experience' and a journey and to not take things so seriously. It's all good in the hood in the end! :) I am so thankful for my family and friends who support me and for that I am forever appreciative of their patience.
Here are some of the things that resonated with me from the workshop. It's also a good reminder for me!
The event was pretty good! I only went the Saturday session. You can find a lot of these presenters information online but I appreciated the experience! :) Thank you universe and mom.
Michael Chase (presenter) - 'Kindness'
Don't even let other people rent space in your head.
Once you desire something, the universe conspires to bring it to you.
When you do an act of kindness, it hits your heart.
Looking through kind eyes and lenses and doing little acts of kindness.
Ask yourself: How to love everyone on this planet?
The biggest enemy of the heart is resentment which is the inability to forgive!
Through compassion is the way to open the heart and to know truly deep down inside that no normal person would do that, only sufferers!
Loving kindness meditation to open your Heart
Nick Ortner (presenter) - Tapping Solution
Tapping Method to release stress. Tapping sends a calming signal to the amygdala and retrains the brain and reduces the trauma. It changes the response to situation and reality of the situation.
Procastination and Self-Sabotage comes from childhood and limiting beliefs.
Acknowledge and release by beginning tapping with 'Even if I am truly ... I truly and deeply accept myself!'
Ask yourself: What do I have to heal? to let go?
Nancy Levin (presenter)
Courage and empowerment
Give ways to view oneself differently
The decisions we make inform our present, decisions we make today make our future.
You are the only thinker in your head!
Gidon Taylor (presenter) on 'Mindfulness'
Mind Master is to be mindful and to knwo yourself that you also have the untapped potential
'Our expectations govern us.'
'Believing you are a different person. You became it.
'Collective Beings' - Morphic Resonance
Garbage In Garbage Out
No Don't Syndrome!
We store all these negativity and when we make decisions it comes up.
ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts)
Ask yourself: Where is free will? Question everything you believe! Decide for yourself to keep or let it go!
Whose thoughts are you thinking? When was your last true original thought?
YOu can change. Brain neuroplasticity. You can thicken brain matter and physically change brain matter.
You can only change what you believe you can change. You must believe you can change before you can change.
Doreen Virtue (presenter)
Play intuitive games with yourself!
Focus on gut feelings and instinct
Children are highly psychic (William Macdonald research) and they do not worry, they just think and say.
Help others be at peace, not to fix the world.
Stay aware! How much did I love?
3 Tactics of darkness (negative energy)
The issue that upsets you the most is your life purpose!
Channel your power to the issues.
Any issue that upsets you is without your free will. Not karma!
Politicians listen to the loudest voice! Speak up!
Use your energy within you to create changes.
Contribute your voice through activism!
Angels want to help with peace.
Mother's prayers are very powerful!
I completely remember last year's I Can Do It! Vancouver event. I really wanted to go but I could not afford the tickets. Also, I had just learned about Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, and Hay House so I was not able to manifest the money in time to see the event. But I made a mental note that I would love to attend next year's event.
To be honest, I did not want to put out over $175.00 for tickets to the event. Somehow, I wanted to manifest it in a different way and luckily my mom was able to request free tickets at her work place! I was so estatic but never got a reply on whether or not I was able to get the tickets. Finally, on Saturday morning my mom received a phone call telling her that she had got the tickets!
I was beyond excited! I was already running around town and I was beyond excited! I couldn't believe I had manifested free tickets to the show. I really wanted to meet Doreen Virtue since my first encounter with angels. She is known as the 'angel' lady and I just could not believe it!
A lot of the things I've ever wanted in life have almost all manifested except for my career and making enough money. In the last couple of weeks, I have been thinking that one of my life lessons to learn here is to learn how to navigate making money at will while following our passions. I know I must of created this scenario for myself so this process is a learning process. Anytime I am stressed and overwhelmed, I just remember how much this life is truly just an 'experience' and a journey and to not take things so seriously. It's all good in the hood in the end! :) I am so thankful for my family and friends who support me and for that I am forever appreciative of their patience.
Here are some of the things that resonated with me from the workshop. It's also a good reminder for me!
The event was pretty good! I only went the Saturday session. You can find a lot of these presenters information online but I appreciated the experience! :) Thank you universe and mom.
Michael Chase (presenter) - 'Kindness'
Don't even let other people rent space in your head.
Once you desire something, the universe conspires to bring it to you.
When you do an act of kindness, it hits your heart.
Looking through kind eyes and lenses and doing little acts of kindness.
Ask yourself: How to love everyone on this planet?
The biggest enemy of the heart is resentment which is the inability to forgive!
Through compassion is the way to open the heart and to know truly deep down inside that no normal person would do that, only sufferers!
Loving kindness meditation to open your Heart
- Loving Affirmations to Self
- Choose Another Person to Love
- Choose someone you don't know to love
- Choose difficult person in your life to love
- Extend it out to all beings
Receiving - Allow others to give
Kindess is truly love in action!
'Whenever love may be, I'll be there.' - Love God
'Be kind when possible.'
Nick Ortner (presenter) - Tapping Solution
Tapping Method to release stress. Tapping sends a calming signal to the amygdala and retrains the brain and reduces the trauma. It changes the response to situation and reality of the situation.
Procastination and Self-Sabotage comes from childhood and limiting beliefs.
Acknowledge and release by beginning tapping with 'Even if I am truly ... I truly and deeply accept myself!'
Ask yourself: What do I have to heal? to let go?
Nancy Levin (presenter)
Courage and empowerment
Give ways to view oneself differently
The decisions we make inform our present, decisions we make today make our future.
You are the only thinker in your head!
Gidon Taylor (presenter) on 'Mindfulness'
Mind Master is to be mindful and to knwo yourself that you also have the untapped potential
'Our expectations govern us.'
'Believing you are a different person. You became it.
'Collective Beings' - Morphic Resonance
Garbage In Garbage Out
No Don't Syndrome!
We store all these negativity and when we make decisions it comes up.
ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts)
Ask yourself: Where is free will? Question everything you believe! Decide for yourself to keep or let it go!
Whose thoughts are you thinking? When was your last true original thought?
YOu can change. Brain neuroplasticity. You can thicken brain matter and physically change brain matter.
You can only change what you believe you can change. You must believe you can change before you can change.
Doreen Virtue (presenter)
Play intuitive games with yourself!
Focus on gut feelings and instinct
- Affirmations
- Prayers
- Visualizations: using imagination (see in the here, in the now)
- Physical Anchors: vision boards, pictures, etc
- Power of envisioning what you want!
Children are highly psychic (William Macdonald research) and they do not worry, they just think and say.
Help others be at peace, not to fix the world.
Stay aware! How much did I love?
3 Tactics of darkness (negative energy)
- Distractions
- Fear: When you are afraid, you are in your ego.
- Numbling power: Addictions
The issue that upsets you the most is your life purpose!
Channel your power to the issues.
Any issue that upsets you is without your free will. Not karma!
Politicians listen to the loudest voice! Speak up!
Use your energy within you to create changes.
Contribute your voice through activism!
Angels want to help with peace.
Mother's prayers are very powerful!
Have you ever woke up the next morning with a huge headache and aching eyes?
I get it all the time whenever I go out late and surround myself with a huge crowd of people.
I do not even drink and I feel like I probably have the world's biggest hangover.
I forget how sensitive I am to all the energy surrounding me and the crowds completely overwhelm me.
I feel like I have absorbed or am carrying people's energy on me.
So, today is a cleanse me day. I already took a shower but I need a mental cleansing.
It just feels incredibly draining and I feel like I can't do anything at this moment.
Has anyone ever felt that way?
I really just feel like sleeping because I am just so tired.
I get it all the time whenever I go out late and surround myself with a huge crowd of people.
I do not even drink and I feel like I probably have the world's biggest hangover.
I forget how sensitive I am to all the energy surrounding me and the crowds completely overwhelm me.
I feel like I have absorbed or am carrying people's energy on me.
So, today is a cleanse me day. I already took a shower but I need a mental cleansing.
It just feels incredibly draining and I feel like I can't do anything at this moment.
Has anyone ever felt that way?
I really just feel like sleeping because I am just so tired.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Wise Advice from my Grandmother :*)
My grandmother passed away almost 10 years ago but I always remember her telling me one thing. I use to get injured a bit as a kid and she would always tell me to just say out loud 'It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt' as many times as I could. I believed her and thus I always used the method and sure enough, my physical pains would dissipate. I never knew why or how it worked but it worked for me as a kid. Now that I am older, I realize what she was trying to get me to do was to 'shift' to another perspective or view of the pain. When you alter your thoughts to respond differently to a situation that you normally respond by, you alter your the reaction that you get from it. For example, when I hurt my finger, I would say 'it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt' and sure enough I have reacted differently than what I reacted before.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Self-Sabotage and Visualizations - Bashar
What if everything sucks? A Spiritual Smackdown - Marie Forleo
“There is nothing more crappy than the option you’re choosing right now, which is beating yourself up and doing NOTHING to move ahead. Action is Magic.”
How to use spiritual protection
I had an interesting
experience lately.
I will only label it interesting in a sense that that is all I want to say about it.
I will only label it interesting in a sense that that is all I want to say about it.
Before I talk about my
interesting experience…
For the last two months, I
had a week of feeling detached from everything in life. That feeling was
disheartening to me because I did not know why I would feel this way. I
realized that I should have just let it go but it stuck around for a bit. Because
of my desperation to feel connected to divine source, I asked to be more
connected to the spiritual realm so that I could see, heart, or experience
anything out of the ordinary. I just felt ‘disconnected’ and just ‘blah.’
Because I was very curious
about the spiritual realm, I wanted to manifest visions but of course I could
not see or hear anything. Instead, I was guided to read a few articles that
were cautioning people who wanted to openly connect with the spiritual world. Well,
most of the articles that I was guided to read were talking about lower energy
beings and how if you are not confident in your abilities to stand strong and
protect yourself, then you can unconsciously engage in demonic activities that
does not stem from your higher good. After reading several articles of the same
sort, I was glad my spirit guides lead me to know more about this so that I
could better equip myself. You just need to be smart and insanely confident and
that comes from knowing that you’re an eternal spirit who is powerful within
and if you ever need support and guidance then you need to call upon your
angels and guides for help! J They are always
willing to help because they just want you to be at peace and happy. The other
most important thing to do is to not agree on ‘co-creating’ that experience.
Again, this has to do with energy and vibration meaning that if you are near
the frequency of that experience and you agree to it on that level, then you
will experience it. Why would you agree? That’s something that you have to
backtrack and figure out in your mind and from your thoughts. As always, life
is an experience so even if you’re remotely interested, you may attract that
Here’s another perspective
but of the same for why you would ‘co-create’ this experience.
“If you ‘believe’ you need to be protected, you are attracting into your reality the very thing you ‘believe’ you need to be protected from. You can only experience that which you have – on some level – already agreed to experience.” – Bashar
What my experience was…
A couple of days ago, I was
intervening my uncle. Long story… but to make it short he is currently an
alcoholic in denial. He’s always been struggling with drug addition all
throughout his life and at this point in his life; he has probably hit his low
spot. I commend him for overcoming cocaine addiction but if we do not heal our
internal issues, then another drug will soon come to replace our deep
insecurities and fears. I never really wanted to be intervening because I am
younger than him and who am I say what is right or what is wrong. But, I do not
respect the fact that he takes advantage of his parents and manipulate my mom
constantly. I am personally sick of him always being the ‘victim’ of life
circumstances. Look, everyone goes through shit and at this point in life, it’s
time to let go of our needs to ‘fix’ everything on our own and to really ask
for help. I have never been taught in my family to openly ‘ask for help.’ In
fact, I don’t even know where I picked up the idea that asking for help is a
sign of ‘weakness.’ A part of me is still letting this part go, but I had to
ask for help to overcome my circumstances. At this point in my uncles life, if
he is not willing to get better than he needs to ask for help and by help this
does not mean asking for money. A lot of people still hold the paradigm ‘money’
as a reason to fix life and if they only made lots of ‘money’ than everything
would be fixed. It’s complex but it’s something that they will need to continue
working on to let it go. Anyways, as I was intervening my uncle, who was very
shocked that I was speaking to him about his issues? Again, I would not
intervene unless there is a reason and I really felt strongly in my heart that
I had to intervene. The only thing I can think of is that my uncle is probably
asking for help and if I am someone that can reach out to him than of course I
am going to give it a try!
While intervening, I had to
stop twice to tell someone in the room to ‘shut the f**k up!’ You see, I was
really annoyed that someone in the room was laughing. They were tauntingly
laughing at my intervention with my uncle. I thought it was my aunt because she
doesn’t believe my uncle will change but my mom who was sitting next to me and
holding onto my uncle told me that no one was laughing. So my immediate second
thought after the intervention was that there were lower being spirits trying
to make fun of what was going on. Good thing I told them to ‘shut the f**k up!’
because it was so annoying. I do not need to engage in lower energy spirits and
nor am I interested. So, that is my first experience with lower spirit beings
that decided to show up. Luckily, I had learned about how to protect myself if
any of this happens so it’s better to be safe than sorry if you’re going to
allow yourself to experience this. I mean, obviously I have been a little bit
interested in connecting with the spiritual realm so this
experience/manifestation gave me an opportunity to test out the skills and
tools that I have been learning.
What it comes down to it is
3 things that I have realized about co-creating a lower energy being experience:
- If you show any interest (throughout your life) about the topic, you are more likely to co-create that experience. Of course, you can always change your mind about it. Just depends on what you believe. If you leave it as the way you found it and it might not be a belief that you agreed upon, then that experience can come to you as well.
- If you agree to the experience and that comes back to the beliefs we have. If you blatantly tell the lower energy beings to ‘Get the f**k out’ then they will leave you alone. If you allow them to continually engage in your mind, body, and senses, then you are agreeing to the experience. So, it’s up to you to what you choose. If you choose to remain oblivious, then you are choosing to be ignorant of what’s happening so anything can manifest. The more aware you are, the more likely you’ll also be noticed by the lower beings so do yourself a favor and tell them to ‘Shut the f**k up!’ if you don’t want them to bug you and mean it! If you don’t, then you are allowing the experience to prolong.
- If you are in fear and engage in the fear emotions and self-doubt, then of course you will attract the lower beings. What else can I say? You are more likely to dramatize the situation and make the situation worse for yourself than what it really is. What happens is you let the fear/ego part of you take over and you panic. And then you lose focus on what you are doing and you get confused. Once you get confused you start playing along. Here now you have two choices, if you are able to come back in the ‘moment’ and think clearly. Either you ‘shift your mind’ to one that is made of love and where you know you are internally powerful enough to have control over your own thoughts and thus you can distract yourself and do other things or pray for help from divine source OR you simply do not engage and thus create boundaries. Be realistic and say to yourself, ‘Look, this is not going to work for me and I do not appreciate being stepped on and taken advantage of.’ Give some tough love and literally physically move out of that space or ignore them. That’s all. Ignore and let it go. You don’t need to be mean about it, just be firm and authoritative. Don’t take shit from anyone just like how you wouldn’t take crap from people in the physical word.
There’s really nothing to
be afraid of. Honestly, they are mirrors of ourselves so if we are ‘scared’
then we are only being reflected what our fears are.
I also learned from Doreen
Virtue some other type of protection and that is asking the angels for help.
Specifically, we should ask for Archangel Michael for help because he protects
us and keep us safe from lower beings and he can safely guide them to the
light. It’s up to you if you want to bring him into your reality, I mean again
it really depends on what frequency you’re at, what you’re wanting to
experience here on earth, and what you have set out for yourself to experience
prior to coming to earth. I did ask for Archangel Michael's help to clear my uncle and to immediately take any spirits/souls to the light. I am still working on my 'clairvoyance' gifts and I was able to see purple energy around the room which usually tells me that Archangel Michael is here! :) It's a wonderful thought.
Here I would like to attach
a channeling session with Archangel Michael that I came across online on the
same day as my first encounter with lower energy beings. Law of attraction at it’s best! So, it was
great to learn what Archangel Michael has to say about spiritual protection. Thank you for the lovely message! :)
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Doreen Virtue Cards |
Spiritual Protection for the New Age by Archangel MichaelChanneled through Natalie Glasson
My blessings of love are bestowed upon you; I am Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Protection. I have many purposes within the universe of the Creator, many ways in which I wish to be of service to others and especially souls upon the Earth. It is my greatest purpose to act as a divine expression of the Creator, connecting with and reminding souls of the vibration of the Creator within and around them. I carry the light of the Creator to you, I allow for you to see the light of the Creator within me and I support you in realizing yourself as an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. In many ways I am here to act as an example of the Creator's light as well as your own light. This is the role of all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master beings.
We as Angelic beings hold a strong connection to the vibration of love of the Creator; we are able to access the purest vibration of love from the Creator transmitting it to where it is needed. Due to our focus upon love many of the ways in which we are of service is to demonstrate love to you more fully. It is often that when you experience the love of another that you feel protected, safeguarded, secure and stable. As I give the love of the Creator to you, it is qualities of love that promote and active the experience of being protected that manifest. The love qualities and vibrations that I share and transmit activate within you a deeper sense of your center and core, which is an existence beyond fear that allows truth to arise from within you. In essence the protection that I share with you is simply a love quality transmitted from the Creator that activates the feeling of security within your being. Upon receiving the transmitted love you naturally begin to manifest vibrations from within your being that offer to you all that you need. Sometimes there is a need to be fearless, to be grounded and to be centered or truthful.
Together we co-create the state of existence within you that allows you to activate the vibrations and qualities needed to overcome challenges, to remain in your power and to connect or express the truth of the Creator on a deeper level.
When you work with the Archangels, Angels or Ascended Masters do you realize that we are simply supporting you and that you are co creating with us?
It is time beloved ones to step into your power, to realize that when you work with us there is an essence of surrendering to our light and divine guidance but there is also a need to surrender to the same within your own being. Asking us for assistance and support no longer means that you give your power away to us, asking us to resolve all within your reality. This meaning has never been true but may have been a perspective that you adopted. Now is the time to realize that when you call upon our support, love and assistance you enter into a process of co-creation with us. Our purpose is to give to you energy that activates vibrations and remembrance within your being. It is then your purpose to be accepting of the activation-taking place within you allowing yourself to accept the realizations and insights that manifest through our support and activation. With the realizations and insights grounding into your mind at a physical level we then continue to share the energy of the Creator with you so that you may co-create or manifest that which is needed together with us. In truth the insights, guidance and driving force flows from your inner activation of your truth while we co-create with you in every situation you call upon us by enhancing, magnifying and amplifying the energy for your greater awareness.
It is my wish for you to realize that you are powerful co-creators with us and that we are here to support you almost like extensions of yourself and truth.
Co-creation is a process of surrendering and manifestation.
It is important to realize that the process of surrendering is not to give your power away but to open yourself up to the divine plan and source working with you and through your being with perfect ease. As you recognize that there is a divine aspect of creation existing within your being that can be creatively expressed to influence your reality and experiences in the most perfect way you realize that you hold the power within you for your reality on the Earth. The reality you are experiencing is for your soul to experience. Your soul holds the power to divinely intervene and to create within your reality but your soul is also connected to all that is the Creator meaning that it is a vastly abundant source of light. When you call forth the assistance and support of a light being of any form you are actually calling forth an aspect of yourself or soul to support you in magnifying all that is within you, to draw upon what is needed to assist your journey on the Earth. Whether a guide is from your soul group or not, they are still an aspect of your energy, an extension of you as we are all one. Emphasis upon oneness isn't to bring a sensation of love, forgiveness and acceptance for each other, it is the truth. When you begin to realize that you are co-creating with us and that we are extensions of your energy then you allow yourself to accept your own power and role within your reality. You are neither helpless nor powerless. You do not have less or more power than us, we are all one co- creating together in order to enhance the expression of the Creator. When we all allow ourselves to surrender we recognize the presence of divine harmony. Within the presence of harmony all are able to connect on a deeper level with the truth of the Creator, releasing all disharmonies that may have been created.
When you call my energies forth to protect you I am transmitting the qualities of the Creator that encourage protection into your being. As you receive these energies you activate within you the same qualities, therefore bringing them into fruition within your reality. As we co-create the reality and experience of protection, our belief and trust in this activation is deeply important. Often I will share a tool that will assist in my energy integrating with yours; this can be a tool such as imagining a bubble of light around you to ensure your protection or a shield before you that reflects all unneeded energies. As we continue to co-create protection for yourself and energies, with the alteration of your vibration and perspective so our manifestation alters. In this new era the bubble of protection now manifests for many as a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you. This bubble can be likened to jelly or silicone. It is immensely powerful and is connected to the third eye and the throat chakra; this is because each soul on the Earth is now moving beyond illusion allowing for visions of and movement across many different dimensions. The protection that we co-create is no longer just for the physical reality of the Earth but for your greater exploration beyond the Earth as well.
It is important to realize that when you exist in love and within the space of your heart protection is not needed, but protection can be granted because it activates within a greater sense of security, stability and contentment which supports. With these vibrations manifesting you are able to experience with greater ease and harmony.
Allow yourself to call upon my protection and imagine that within you the energy vibration of protection activates and manifests, creating a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you. Within this bubble of light is a soft hue of pink light which flows from the heart chakra, this is also a symbol of the presence of love and how the third eye, throat and heart chakra are working as one and are a powerful influence within your reality. This protection assists and supports you at a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic level as well as when connecting with other dimensions.
With the perspective I have shared of our co-creation together you may also become aware of the personal and maybe unique protection that we co-create together.
I am always here to be a source and activation of protection for you.
In love, Archangel Michael
Ways for Spiritual Protection:
- Ask for God (Divine Source, Universe, Higher Creator, Ascended Masters, and etc..) or ask for Archangels immediately. More specifically, ask for Archangel Michael because he is able to be in anywhere and anyplace at the same time because there is no such thing as time/space for him. He can be in multiple places at once and is truly there to help! I'll talk about my first encounter with angels another time but he first appeared to me and assisted me in my car troubles!
- Shift your thought and energy to something else. Just visualize and imagine something else that stem from love-based thoughts. Anything positive and happy will help you out as love is an energy that is so strong that it just does not attract lower energy beings. It's just not in the same frequency. This might be trickier to do but you literally need to shift your thoughts or distract yourself. What you don't give energy to, you cannot bring forth to your reality because you are not in the same frequency as it is. That's why some people can sense spirits and some cannot.
- Disengage and tell them off. Do not be a pushover. Get to the point right away, stand firmly, and tall and tell them off. Look, you can be nice about it but at the end of the day, you have your life and they chose to be where they are at. You can tell them to go towards the light but just disengage in interacting. This also means mentally or better yet physically saying that tell them to 'Shut the f**k up.' Honestly, just be confident and like I said before, just like how you don't let people push you over and cross over your boundaries, it's the exact same. If you do engage through talking to them, then be firm and keep it to the point. No negotiating, no discussions, no if's and buts! Just keep it simple and be strong. Remember, these are lower energy beings and they are probably bored! Well, my assumption so if you engage then well just take precautionary steps. If you are going to, have a purpose! Make your intentions clear!
- Imagine a cobalt blue bubble around you like 'Bubble Boy' surrounded with a pink bubble layer which means that only lovely thoughts can come through! Blue is protection if you are feeling that you need it. Again, it's all visualizations and the more you practice it, the easier it is to imagine a bubble.
- You can also ask Archangel Michael to clear you completely and to cut any cords with his sword that were attached to people, objects, things, spirits, and etc... Also, don't forget to seal all the cords with love so that they don't get reattached again. At least, that is what I would do!
- Follow your intuition. If you get thoughts that you know do not belong to you or seem to create some sort of 'drama' or 'confusion' then you need to be firm and follow what your intuition is telling you to do.
Laugh. Be happy. Enjoy life! When you're happy, you attract happy positive experience. Once again, what you put out (action, energy) is what you get back. This is something I am still learning! :)
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