I had an interesting
experience lately.
I will only label it interesting in a sense that that is all I want to say about it.
I will only label it interesting in a sense that that is all I want to say about it.
Before I talk about my
interesting experience…
For the last two months, I
had a week of feeling detached from everything in life. That feeling was
disheartening to me because I did not know why I would feel this way. I
realized that I should have just let it go but it stuck around for a bit. Because
of my desperation to feel connected to divine source, I asked to be more
connected to the spiritual realm so that I could see, heart, or experience
anything out of the ordinary. I just felt ‘disconnected’ and just ‘blah.’
Because I was very curious
about the spiritual realm, I wanted to manifest visions but of course I could
not see or hear anything. Instead, I was guided to read a few articles that
were cautioning people who wanted to openly connect with the spiritual world. Well,
most of the articles that I was guided to read were talking about lower energy
beings and how if you are not confident in your abilities to stand strong and
protect yourself, then you can unconsciously engage in demonic activities that
does not stem from your higher good. After reading several articles of the same
sort, I was glad my spirit guides lead me to know more about this so that I
could better equip myself. You just need to be smart and insanely confident and
that comes from knowing that you’re an eternal spirit who is powerful within
and if you ever need support and guidance then you need to call upon your
angels and guides for help! J They are always
willing to help because they just want you to be at peace and happy. The other
most important thing to do is to not agree on ‘co-creating’ that experience.
Again, this has to do with energy and vibration meaning that if you are near
the frequency of that experience and you agree to it on that level, then you
will experience it. Why would you agree? That’s something that you have to
backtrack and figure out in your mind and from your thoughts. As always, life
is an experience so even if you’re remotely interested, you may attract that
Here’s another perspective
but of the same for why you would ‘co-create’ this experience.
“If you ‘believe’ you need to be protected, you are attracting into your reality the very thing you ‘believe’ you need to be protected from. You can only experience that which you have – on some level – already agreed to experience.” – Bashar
What my experience was…
A couple of days ago, I was
intervening my uncle. Long story… but to make it short he is currently an
alcoholic in denial. He’s always been struggling with drug addition all
throughout his life and at this point in his life; he has probably hit his low
spot. I commend him for overcoming cocaine addiction but if we do not heal our
internal issues, then another drug will soon come to replace our deep
insecurities and fears. I never really wanted to be intervening because I am
younger than him and who am I say what is right or what is wrong. But, I do not
respect the fact that he takes advantage of his parents and manipulate my mom
constantly. I am personally sick of him always being the ‘victim’ of life
circumstances. Look, everyone goes through shit and at this point in life, it’s
time to let go of our needs to ‘fix’ everything on our own and to really ask
for help. I have never been taught in my family to openly ‘ask for help.’ In
fact, I don’t even know where I picked up the idea that asking for help is a
sign of ‘weakness.’ A part of me is still letting this part go, but I had to
ask for help to overcome my circumstances. At this point in my uncles life, if
he is not willing to get better than he needs to ask for help and by help this
does not mean asking for money. A lot of people still hold the paradigm ‘money’
as a reason to fix life and if they only made lots of ‘money’ than everything
would be fixed. It’s complex but it’s something that they will need to continue
working on to let it go. Anyways, as I was intervening my uncle, who was very
shocked that I was speaking to him about his issues? Again, I would not
intervene unless there is a reason and I really felt strongly in my heart that
I had to intervene. The only thing I can think of is that my uncle is probably
asking for help and if I am someone that can reach out to him than of course I
am going to give it a try!
While intervening, I had to
stop twice to tell someone in the room to ‘shut the f**k up!’ You see, I was
really annoyed that someone in the room was laughing. They were tauntingly
laughing at my intervention with my uncle. I thought it was my aunt because she
doesn’t believe my uncle will change but my mom who was sitting next to me and
holding onto my uncle told me that no one was laughing. So my immediate second
thought after the intervention was that there were lower being spirits trying
to make fun of what was going on. Good thing I told them to ‘shut the f**k up!’
because it was so annoying. I do not need to engage in lower energy spirits and
nor am I interested. So, that is my first experience with lower spirit beings
that decided to show up. Luckily, I had learned about how to protect myself if
any of this happens so it’s better to be safe than sorry if you’re going to
allow yourself to experience this. I mean, obviously I have been a little bit
interested in connecting with the spiritual realm so this
experience/manifestation gave me an opportunity to test out the skills and
tools that I have been learning.
What it comes down to it is
3 things that I have realized about co-creating a lower energy being experience:
- If you show any interest (throughout your life) about the topic, you are more likely to co-create that experience. Of course, you can always change your mind about it. Just depends on what you believe. If you leave it as the way you found it and it might not be a belief that you agreed upon, then that experience can come to you as well.
- If you agree to the experience and that comes back to the beliefs we have. If you blatantly tell the lower energy beings to ‘Get the f**k out’ then they will leave you alone. If you allow them to continually engage in your mind, body, and senses, then you are agreeing to the experience. So, it’s up to you to what you choose. If you choose to remain oblivious, then you are choosing to be ignorant of what’s happening so anything can manifest. The more aware you are, the more likely you’ll also be noticed by the lower beings so do yourself a favor and tell them to ‘Shut the f**k up!’ if you don’t want them to bug you and mean it! If you don’t, then you are allowing the experience to prolong.
- If you are in fear and engage in the fear emotions and self-doubt, then of course you will attract the lower beings. What else can I say? You are more likely to dramatize the situation and make the situation worse for yourself than what it really is. What happens is you let the fear/ego part of you take over and you panic. And then you lose focus on what you are doing and you get confused. Once you get confused you start playing along. Here now you have two choices, if you are able to come back in the ‘moment’ and think clearly. Either you ‘shift your mind’ to one that is made of love and where you know you are internally powerful enough to have control over your own thoughts and thus you can distract yourself and do other things or pray for help from divine source OR you simply do not engage and thus create boundaries. Be realistic and say to yourself, ‘Look, this is not going to work for me and I do not appreciate being stepped on and taken advantage of.’ Give some tough love and literally physically move out of that space or ignore them. That’s all. Ignore and let it go. You don’t need to be mean about it, just be firm and authoritative. Don’t take shit from anyone just like how you wouldn’t take crap from people in the physical word.
There’s really nothing to
be afraid of. Honestly, they are mirrors of ourselves so if we are ‘scared’
then we are only being reflected what our fears are.
I also learned from Doreen
Virtue some other type of protection and that is asking the angels for help.
Specifically, we should ask for Archangel Michael for help because he protects
us and keep us safe from lower beings and he can safely guide them to the
light. It’s up to you if you want to bring him into your reality, I mean again
it really depends on what frequency you’re at, what you’re wanting to
experience here on earth, and what you have set out for yourself to experience
prior to coming to earth. I did ask for Archangel Michael's help to clear my uncle and to immediately take any spirits/souls to the light. I am still working on my 'clairvoyance' gifts and I was able to see purple energy around the room which usually tells me that Archangel Michael is here! :) It's a wonderful thought.
Here I would like to attach
a channeling session with Archangel Michael that I came across online on the
same day as my first encounter with lower energy beings. Law of attraction at it’s best! So, it was
great to learn what Archangel Michael has to say about spiritual protection. Thank you for the lovely message! :)
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Doreen Virtue Cards |
Spiritual Protection for the New Age by Archangel MichaelChanneled through Natalie Glasson www.omn.org
My blessings of love are bestowed upon you; I am Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Protection. I have many purposes within the universe of the Creator, many ways in which I wish to be of service to others and especially souls upon the Earth. It is my greatest purpose to act as a divine expression of the Creator, connecting with and reminding souls of the vibration of the Creator within and around them. I carry the light of the Creator to you, I allow for you to see the light of the Creator within me and I support you in realizing yourself as an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. In many ways I am here to act as an example of the Creator's light as well as your own light. This is the role of all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master beings.
We as Angelic beings hold a strong connection to the vibration of love of the Creator; we are able to access the purest vibration of love from the Creator transmitting it to where it is needed. Due to our focus upon love many of the ways in which we are of service is to demonstrate love to you more fully. It is often that when you experience the love of another that you feel protected, safeguarded, secure and stable. As I give the love of the Creator to you, it is qualities of love that promote and active the experience of being protected that manifest. The love qualities and vibrations that I share and transmit activate within you a deeper sense of your center and core, which is an existence beyond fear that allows truth to arise from within you. In essence the protection that I share with you is simply a love quality transmitted from the Creator that activates the feeling of security within your being. Upon receiving the transmitted love you naturally begin to manifest vibrations from within your being that offer to you all that you need. Sometimes there is a need to be fearless, to be grounded and to be centered or truthful.
Together we co-create the state of existence within you that allows you to activate the vibrations and qualities needed to overcome challenges, to remain in your power and to connect or express the truth of the Creator on a deeper level.
When you work with the Archangels, Angels or Ascended Masters do you realize that we are simply supporting you and that you are co creating with us?
It is time beloved ones to step into your power, to realize that when you work with us there is an essence of surrendering to our light and divine guidance but there is also a need to surrender to the same within your own being. Asking us for assistance and support no longer means that you give your power away to us, asking us to resolve all within your reality. This meaning has never been true but may have been a perspective that you adopted. Now is the time to realize that when you call upon our support, love and assistance you enter into a process of co-creation with us. Our purpose is to give to you energy that activates vibrations and remembrance within your being. It is then your purpose to be accepting of the activation-taking place within you allowing yourself to accept the realizations and insights that manifest through our support and activation. With the realizations and insights grounding into your mind at a physical level we then continue to share the energy of the Creator with you so that you may co-create or manifest that which is needed together with us. In truth the insights, guidance and driving force flows from your inner activation of your truth while we co-create with you in every situation you call upon us by enhancing, magnifying and amplifying the energy for your greater awareness.
It is my wish for you to realize that you are powerful co-creators with us and that we are here to support you almost like extensions of yourself and truth.
Co-creation is a process of surrendering and manifestation.
It is important to realize that the process of surrendering is not to give your power away but to open yourself up to the divine plan and source working with you and through your being with perfect ease. As you recognize that there is a divine aspect of creation existing within your being that can be creatively expressed to influence your reality and experiences in the most perfect way you realize that you hold the power within you for your reality on the Earth. The reality you are experiencing is for your soul to experience. Your soul holds the power to divinely intervene and to create within your reality but your soul is also connected to all that is the Creator meaning that it is a vastly abundant source of light. When you call forth the assistance and support of a light being of any form you are actually calling forth an aspect of yourself or soul to support you in magnifying all that is within you, to draw upon what is needed to assist your journey on the Earth. Whether a guide is from your soul group or not, they are still an aspect of your energy, an extension of you as we are all one. Emphasis upon oneness isn't to bring a sensation of love, forgiveness and acceptance for each other, it is the truth. When you begin to realize that you are co-creating with us and that we are extensions of your energy then you allow yourself to accept your own power and role within your reality. You are neither helpless nor powerless. You do not have less or more power than us, we are all one co- creating together in order to enhance the expression of the Creator. When we all allow ourselves to surrender we recognize the presence of divine harmony. Within the presence of harmony all are able to connect on a deeper level with the truth of the Creator, releasing all disharmonies that may have been created.
When you call my energies forth to protect you I am transmitting the qualities of the Creator that encourage protection into your being. As you receive these energies you activate within you the same qualities, therefore bringing them into fruition within your reality. As we co-create the reality and experience of protection, our belief and trust in this activation is deeply important. Often I will share a tool that will assist in my energy integrating with yours; this can be a tool such as imagining a bubble of light around you to ensure your protection or a shield before you that reflects all unneeded energies. As we continue to co-create protection for yourself and energies, with the alteration of your vibration and perspective so our manifestation alters. In this new era the bubble of protection now manifests for many as a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you. This bubble can be likened to jelly or silicone. It is immensely powerful and is connected to the third eye and the throat chakra; this is because each soul on the Earth is now moving beyond illusion allowing for visions of and movement across many different dimensions. The protection that we co-create is no longer just for the physical reality of the Earth but for your greater exploration beyond the Earth as well.
It is important to realize that when you exist in love and within the space of your heart protection is not needed, but protection can be granted because it activates within a greater sense of security, stability and contentment which supports. With these vibrations manifesting you are able to experience with greater ease and harmony.
Allow yourself to call upon my protection and imagine that within you the energy vibration of protection activates and manifests, creating a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you. Within this bubble of light is a soft hue of pink light which flows from the heart chakra, this is also a symbol of the presence of love and how the third eye, throat and heart chakra are working as one and are a powerful influence within your reality. This protection assists and supports you at a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic level as well as when connecting with other dimensions.
With the perspective I have shared of our co-creation together you may also become aware of the personal and maybe unique protection that we co-create together.
I am always here to be a source and activation of protection for you.
In love, Archangel Michael
Ways for Spiritual Protection:
- Ask for God (Divine Source, Universe, Higher Creator, Ascended Masters, and etc..) or ask for Archangels immediately. More specifically, ask for Archangel Michael because he is able to be in anywhere and anyplace at the same time because there is no such thing as time/space for him. He can be in multiple places at once and is truly there to help! I'll talk about my first encounter with angels another time but he first appeared to me and assisted me in my car troubles!
- Shift your thought and energy to something else. Just visualize and imagine something else that stem from love-based thoughts. Anything positive and happy will help you out as love is an energy that is so strong that it just does not attract lower energy beings. It's just not in the same frequency. This might be trickier to do but you literally need to shift your thoughts or distract yourself. What you don't give energy to, you cannot bring forth to your reality because you are not in the same frequency as it is. That's why some people can sense spirits and some cannot.
- Disengage and tell them off. Do not be a pushover. Get to the point right away, stand firmly, and tall and tell them off. Look, you can be nice about it but at the end of the day, you have your life and they chose to be where they are at. You can tell them to go towards the light but just disengage in interacting. This also means mentally or better yet physically saying that tell them to 'Shut the f**k up.' Honestly, just be confident and like I said before, just like how you don't let people push you over and cross over your boundaries, it's the exact same. If you do engage through talking to them, then be firm and keep it to the point. No negotiating, no discussions, no if's and buts! Just keep it simple and be strong. Remember, these are lower energy beings and they are probably bored! Well, my assumption so if you engage then well just take precautionary steps. If you are going to, have a purpose! Make your intentions clear!
- Imagine a cobalt blue bubble around you like 'Bubble Boy' surrounded with a pink bubble layer which means that only lovely thoughts can come through! Blue is protection if you are feeling that you need it. Again, it's all visualizations and the more you practice it, the easier it is to imagine a bubble.
- You can also ask Archangel Michael to clear you completely and to cut any cords with his sword that were attached to people, objects, things, spirits, and etc... Also, don't forget to seal all the cords with love so that they don't get reattached again. At least, that is what I would do!
- Follow your intuition. If you get thoughts that you know do not belong to you or seem to create some sort of 'drama' or 'confusion' then you need to be firm and follow what your intuition is telling you to do.
Laugh. Be happy. Enjoy life! When you're happy, you attract happy positive experience. Once again, what you put out (action, energy) is what you get back. This is something I am still learning! :)
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