Saturday, 18 May 2013

My Intuitive Healing Experience

I went to see a dear intuitive healer/life coach today because of my feelings of 'stuck-ness' and I definitely have been hearing my guides and angels. It was really nice to reconfirm to myself that I can hear, see, and feel the divine and that everything that is happening to me is literally created in my mind. I have seen her last year when I was going through a really tough time. I was in such a huge emotional crisis so it's definitely a different feeling this time.

She told me to work on a few things about myself:


- Both mind/body/soul because to move past from being stuck.
- Cleansing means clearing my body from toxins and clearing my mind from negative/fearful thoughts.
- She told me to try 'Isagenix' or work with a naturopath and to be committed. No procrastination... it is a struggle I daily create for myself.


- She read some deep personal stuff today that I did not think she would while she was doing her healing work.
- I have to work on forgiving myself.
- I have to work on forgiving everyone around me and to let go of any anger towards them because they are living their life experiences and it is what they have learned that has lead them to become this way.
- No one is inherently evil and evil is only something that we create within ourselves. Also, we create abundance within ourselves so it's all us. It's all here and all well within our reach to overcome our struggles and to forgive.
- Also, how Jesus was able to heal and love everyone was that he never saw our dramas and dis-eases as problems, he just viewed them in a different way. As a part of our journey to be us and so that is how he was able to forgive and love everyone. :)


- After my shift from my purification, everything will be okay. Well, everything is inherently okay but it will be more evident in my mind.
- I am looking forward to this!

Other interesting things I found out about myself...

- Highly connected to Angels (Archangel Michael, Raphael, Ariel) and have cherubs and fairies around me
- Had nuns around me and dragons so something about me needing healing and psychic abilities
- Also, connected to Starbeings who are my guides from Essassanae or from where Bashar is from! This is quite cool. Furthermore, she said I have been abducted before and have visited their home because I have lived there before so it's a comfort place for me. They are also of higher vibration so I can learn a lot from them.
- Previous life time had been hung so hence is why I feel very afraid to express my true oppinions in public and especially about spirituality. Well, hence is why I am challenging myself to blog anonymously. Which is why I have always been interested in reading about witches and stuff...
- I am the one creating all these negative thoughts and fears and although some stem from previous life times, it is also that I am creating them this life time!
- Told me that I am meant to be a counsellor... so that's what I have been thinking and probably will go into in the future
- She told me that I am going on the right track or on the right track in terms of my career and spiritual development! I wonder if the angels are just saying this to ease my fear... aha! There is is again... my ego trying to control.
- Ask Archangel Uriel for help with writing!
- Also, I have another energy near me that is feminine either an unborn sister or a close female friend like sister... that's interesting!
- When I came into the door of the shop, she said she felt my presence and I came in with a dove who flew past her. That's a sign of peace. I do feel at peace and that to me is being in the moment.
- Dolphins came by to say hi and they gave me a technique to visualize the rainbow whenever I am feeling upset or stuck or fearful... how beautiful!
- In a previous session, she told me that I was an 'Earth Angel' as coined by Doreen Virtue which I totally can see why and that I have Native Americans/Indians who are also my spirit guides!

Now, what I need to do daily... (basically need to shift my mentality and frame of thought)

- Cut the chords, shielding, asking for Archangel Michael and Raphael's help
- Loving Affirmations daily
- Meditate for 15 minutes
- Thank and appreciate everything here on earth and the universe
- I let go of control and I follow my spirit and higher mind who knows what's best for me. :)

It's great! I feel so much better and I know that it is up to me. I knew it was up to me all along but it's nice to just talk to someone who knows about this stuff. I need to get out more and talk to similar minded people. Here's to be in a spiritual closet. I think I am ready to come out. Who cares if people think I'm crazy. Aha... I mean I'm not mentally crazy. I just have different thoughts than the norm. And it's all good. Love yourself.

Smile and be happy!

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