Hello Well-Wishers!
I suddenly became interested in tarot cards two days ago. I have no idea why and I don't remember why I decided to go online to look for free tarot card readings. Well, the inspiration came in and I would really like to know some answers to my questions.
The first time I laid my eyes on tarot cards when in grade 9. My friend took out a deck of tarot cards and did a reading for me. I was super amazed at the accuracy of the reading and I could not believe it! She surprised many of our friends and later on I realized how magical her family is. Well, it was pretty neat! I haven't had much experience since then so I'm not sure why I decided to look into tarot cards but I did!
I probably over did it to many times and now I am a bit confused so I'm just going to go for the entertainment value of it. Big whoops. I didn't realize you weren't suppose to do that until after my 7th try. Needless to say, two cards were still memorable to me and so I'll just share what I remember.
I absolutely love the sun! To me, it makes me happy and smiley. I'm so glad to hear that after all that I have been through that something wonderful is going to breakthrough. I pulled this card out every reading that I did online.
Energy. Confidence. New Beginnings. Opportunity. Staying positive! :*)
When I read about this card, it mentioned that I may currently feel stuck or restricted in my life. Previously, I was. I was for a couple of months. I was on a roll and doing so well and then suddenly I mentally suspended myself. I have been focusing on my spiritual development but a lot of my other life project fell apart. I wanted to control everything and expected things to happen the way I wanted them to. When it didn't, I became disappointed at myself. After all, I know all about manifestation so why did it not happen? What I learned is that the more you know, the more powerful your thoughts become and what you attract will go either way (positive and negative) depending on what you are thinking and believing. It's time to 'let it go' and 'surrender.' That is something that I have been working on in these last couple of weeks. Surrender and let it happen instead of trying to manifest or control things.
Accept. Surrender to present circumstances. Let it go. Release. I let go of my past.
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