Monday, 20 May 2013

What you put out is what you get back.. on controlling others!

Hi Well-Wishers!

Because of my strong belief in the law of attraction and what you put out is what you get back... I have been more conscious of the thoughts that I have been having and generally more 'relaxed' about life. I am peace and I affirm that all the time to myself because that is what I would like to put out in the world and thus what comes back to me is peace. Obviously, it's not always going to externally look peaceful but peaceful internally is what I am talking about. The ability to standstill and be at peace when chaos is all around you is true mastery of your mind/thoughts/emotions. It can be done and this is one of the ways I self-empower myself! To not let the dramas and etc... get into your life.

To let go of trying to control others (even if you think it's the best for them!) because really... it's their life and if you can't handle yours then you really have no power to tell them what to do with theirs. You want to help others? Treat yourself well and be kind to yourself. When you are kind and loving to yourself then you will be able to look further within and realize that everyone else is also capable of this ability to be loving and kind to themselves. Then, your mentality can shift to the world where everyone can be nice and loving to each other. Then the law of attraction comes into place and you encounter more loving and kind people. That doesn't mean you won't get the unloving ones at times but it is then an excellent reminder for you to quickly shift to the reality that you want.

You can never know what will happen..not in the next minute, hour, days, weeks or even years! You can only know that at this moment you are here and you are invited to be loving and graceful to yourself. It is not the same as being an egotistical person... no. Loving yourself and treating yourself well actually show other people that they should be loving and graceful to themselves. If you get jelly (jealous), then it really is a belief within yourself that you don't think you can be like them or that you deserve what they have. It's all about you. It's all here and now and you have the choice to make the best for you and all others involved. There's nothing wrong with you. Your thinking however is the only thing that is holding you back from being the best you that you can be. Help is always available! Be genuine and authentic and that means just being you! Good luck.

I am not perfect. At times, I can get negative, anxious, and slightly bitter too. I'm a working progress and I've come really far. I don't often feel proud of all of my accomplishments but the one thing I am proud of is my ability to continuously reflect and self-improve. I also only choose to believe in what resonates within me that is the highest good for all beings involved. I am very aware of the negative things in life and that's it. Once you're aware, you are making choices to follow/believe or to not to follow/believe. There's no right or wrong. Everyone has a purpose in this life here on Earth... Unfortunately, through many milleniums of learning about fears and fears and fears... that we have come to label and compartmentalize everything. Thus it makes it so easy to categorize everything... and especially the most popular 'good versus bad.' There's no such thing and again an illusion.

Something I was reminded of and learned yesterday...

I have unconscious beliefs around alcohol. I believe it can make you uncontrollable, have health problems, lead to your ultimate death, and cause anger and disappointment to others and yourself.

Look, a lot of family life circumstances has lead me to this belief and also reading up about it through schooling.

However, what I realized too is that by telling other people not to drink, I am just forcing my fears onto them. Yes, I can be coming from what I believe is the most loving way by telling/complaining to them about their situation but it really stems from fear. Fear of all the above and more...

So it really is all an illusion. Why am I so afraid? I obviously forgot that we are eternal spirits that are here to have a life experience. So, if I don't like it then I can just leave. Well, if it effects me then I can just set my boundaries and point of views clear and if nothing changes than I can stop giving energy to the situation. I can just let it go and let it be. This is the tricky part...

So... the point is. Everyone is here on their own life experience journey on Earth. They have obviously chosen various things to go through and for me it was depression. Like not everyone is going to go through depression or go to alcoholism. They can be seasonal depressive, mildly depressive, or with alcoholism they can be social drinkers. Who knows!

The point is... I am not being helpful by telling others what to do or be like. In fact, hostility and annoyance came up more so. That's when good listening and communication skills need to come in and mutual respect because otherwise nothing can resolve from just bickering.

Hence, I can say... alcohol is bad and etc... but I am making a judgement on alcohol and on the person. Which is very unfair to label them as a bad person because they truly are not. Well, sure alcohol is the reason why they are bad and if only they did not drink alcohol then they will not be bad. Well, the truth is regardless, it is their choice.

I have to learn to let it go and to forgive them. To forgive them because you cannot control their habits and their decisions. Forgive them because they have chosen to be in this life to act this way. Forgive them and love them because if you could put yourselves in their shoes and really what they need to love. When you truly love yourself, then you wouldn't put harmful things in your body. It's true.

So, I just have to remember that we're all eternal beings on a life journey here and that anything can change and it must begin with our own mentality and perception. If people who are making these choices are affecting your life, then you need to let them be or let it go and leave. You gotta love yourself to get yourself out of those situations that can turn negative.

Yknow... I have a habit of stuffing myself with junk food. I too am working on my own insecurities and truly being able to love myself. How am I to judge if I too am eating junk food that is full of drugs and chemicals? As this person relayed to me...

See... what you put out is what you get back!

You telling other people what to do? Well, point a finger at them and there are three pointing back at you. It's a good idea to reflect and see what relevance it may have in your life. Most likely, you are also judging yourself harshly. It's the same concept. Once you stop judging and hurting yourself so much, then you will see the power within each person that they too can get out of it. Well, I am on that journey. I see the ending but being here are physical earth is definitely a trickier journey...

I love those cakes, ice-cream, donuts, sweets.... oh my.

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