I completely remember last year's I Can Do It! Vancouver event. I really wanted to go but I could not afford the tickets. Also, I had just learned about Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, and Hay House so I was not able to manifest the money in time to see the event. But I made a mental note that I would love to attend next year's event.
To be honest, I did not want to put out over $175.00 for tickets to the event. Somehow, I wanted to manifest it in a different way and luckily my mom was able to request free tickets at her work place! I was so estatic but never got a reply on whether or not I was able to get the tickets. Finally, on Saturday morning my mom received a phone call telling her that she had got the tickets!
I was beyond excited! I was already running around town and I was beyond excited! I couldn't believe I had manifested free tickets to the show. I really wanted to meet Doreen Virtue since my first encounter with angels. She is known as the 'angel' lady and I just could not believe it!
A lot of the things I've ever wanted in life have almost all manifested except for my career and making enough money. In the last couple of weeks, I have been thinking that one of my life lessons to learn here is to learn how to navigate making money at will while following our passions. I know I must of created this scenario for myself so this process is a learning process. Anytime I am stressed and overwhelmed, I just remember how much this life is truly just an 'experience' and a journey and to not take things so seriously. It's all good in the hood in the end! :) I am so thankful for my family and friends who support me and for that I am forever appreciative of their patience.
Here are some of the things that resonated with me from the workshop. It's also a good reminder for me!
The event was pretty good! I only went the Saturday session. You can find a lot of these presenters information online but I appreciated the experience! :) Thank you universe and mom.
Michael Chase (presenter) - 'Kindness'
Don't even let other people rent space in your head.
Once you desire something, the universe conspires to bring it to you.
When you do an act of kindness, it hits your heart.
Looking through kind eyes and lenses and doing little acts of kindness.
Ask yourself: How to love everyone on this planet?
The biggest enemy of the heart is resentment which is the inability to forgive!
Through compassion is the way to open the heart and to know truly deep down inside that no normal person would do that, only sufferers!
Loving kindness meditation to open your Heart
- Loving Affirmations to Self
- Choose Another Person to Love
- Choose someone you don't know to love
- Choose difficult person in your life to love
- Extend it out to all beings
Receiving - Allow others to give
Kindess is truly love in action!
'Whenever love may be, I'll be there.' - Love God
'Be kind when possible.'
Nick Ortner (presenter) - Tapping Solution
Tapping Method to release stress. Tapping sends a calming signal to the amygdala and retrains the brain and reduces the trauma. It changes the response to situation and reality of the situation.
Procastination and Self-Sabotage comes from childhood and limiting beliefs.
Acknowledge and release by beginning tapping with 'Even if I am truly ... I truly and deeply accept myself!'
Ask yourself: What do I have to heal? to let go?
Nancy Levin (presenter)
Courage and empowerment
Give ways to view oneself differently
The decisions we make inform our present, decisions we make today make our future.
You are the only thinker in your head!
Gidon Taylor (presenter) on 'Mindfulness'
Mind Master is to be mindful and to knwo yourself that you also have the untapped potential
'Our expectations govern us.'
'Believing you are a different person. You became it.
'Collective Beings' - Morphic Resonance
Garbage In Garbage Out
No Don't Syndrome!
We store all these negativity and when we make decisions it comes up.
ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts)
Ask yourself: Where is free will? Question everything you believe! Decide for yourself to keep or let it go!
Whose thoughts are you thinking? When was your last true original thought?
YOu can change. Brain neuroplasticity. You can thicken brain matter and physically change brain matter.
You can only change what you believe you can change. You must believe you can change before you can change.
Doreen Virtue (presenter)
Play intuitive games with yourself!
Focus on gut feelings and instinct
- Affirmations
- Prayers
- Visualizations: using imagination (see in the here, in the now)
- Physical Anchors: vision boards, pictures, etc
- Power of envisioning what you want!
Children are highly psychic (William Macdonald research) and they do not worry, they just think and say.
Help others be at peace, not to fix the world.
Stay aware! How much did I love?
3 Tactics of darkness (negative energy)
- Distractions
- Fear: When you are afraid, you are in your ego.
- Numbling power: Addictions
The issue that upsets you the most is your life purpose!
Channel your power to the issues.
Any issue that upsets you is without your free will. Not karma!
Politicians listen to the loudest voice! Speak up!
Use your energy within you to create changes.
Contribute your voice through activism!
Angels want to help with peace.
Mother's prayers are very powerful!
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