Monday 9 December 2013

John of God - My views on him!

Hello Everyone!

I got a little interested in John of God the other day and I thought I would share MY VIEW on him.

You can find him everywhere on the internet so I am not going to go on about him too much except. John of God is known to channel various entities to assist and help people aid their ailments. He is not a doctor but claims that the various entities that he channels were previous well-known doctors who want to assist earth humans and that is their chosen way of helping. Oprah has interviewed him and he has helped heal Wayne Dyer! You can find out all about the methods and ways he helps people to heal online.

Here are a few videos about John of God.

The very first time I heard about John of God was probably about two years ago? I cannot remember exactly but up until then I have never heard of anyone that can heal people by sight or touch. It obviously intrigued me because anything of the supernatural interests me... I was thinking, my god that is amazing! How does someone do that? Is it possible to do that? I was superbly curious as I had family members that were suffering themselves and I was thinking... I need to bring them there one day!

Then my next exposure to John of God was through this lady's website who was claiming that John of God is a parasite or part of a ponzee scheme? I cannot exactly remember but you can read about it here. It sure does another perspective... which is quite interesting!

Okay, so I must tell you that you have to be smart and make discernments on everything that you read. I am no joking! Even if it sounds like a truth, you need to see it with a bigger picture in mind and not succumb through fear. So what is my view on John of God based on seeing both sides of the coin and possible more? 

Well, I believe John of God have very good intentions. Why? He is serving humanity but coming into this lifetime with some higher agreements with other spirits/entities and allowing them to use him as a vessel to provide miracles or hope feelings for human beings. This largely works when people do not see themselves as powerful or empowered beings as it provides some hope in the world because innately deep inside they know that there is something greater than what is currently here on earth. 

So that's my first view and I think if anyone who is stuck in this reality needs some help with releasing their current belief systems of stress, anxiety, depression, anger, hate, and etc... then by all means use it. As Bashar say, it is another permission slip to be more of yourself because if we loved ourselves truly then we wouldn't create resistance and fear in ourselves. So I can see how he can benefit many others. 


If you cannot read his words correctly then let me tell you this... From my point of view... John of God is actually not really saying that he cures people. He is providing the atmosphere, the environment, and the way to mentality clear your thoughts into healing yourself. All this while is an illusion, as all things are, is a way to focus. Focus on your healing and put time and effort in your healing. Like any manifestation you must focus and put your thoughts and desires into action. Who is doing this? Is it John of God? You may have walked into a room with a million doors, but he sure has shown you one way of opening the door to your true inner self. So if this serves you then take it. But that's all he can provide for you. The rest is in your mental mind because you need to understand how powerful your body is and how it can be healed when your mind, heart, body, and spirit are aligned. I am just voicing my oppinion but again .. and it's just not only about John of God but with any healer... they are just showing you the frequency that you need to meet in order to be in a healthy physical state. You are not going to get there in one go because we live on earth and especially if you have a mountain of fear based beliefs and are uncertain about the idea of death. What I guess I am saying is that you also have it in you to heal yourself. 

Now what about those Ponzi Schemes... Ugh what can I say? Anyone that tries to separate people into good versus bad in my sense is just in fear. Now, I'm not saying this is not true. I believe all realities are true so if you believe in that fear based parallel reality then that's for you to believe in. Make up your own mind and do not ever let other people influence you just because they are in fear. I believe that people will have many different experiences and that is why not everything is going to work for everyone. Can anybody really take over you? Of course not. Bashar actually addresses the physical mechanics of this and here I will insert the clip:

So I'm just going to end it here... Really I am here to self-empower and to remind everyone that they are also powerful creators here on earth. Sometimes we need inspiration and if John of God is an inspiration to you then go for it. Do not buy into the fears of other people controlling you... yes there are energetic cords that you can attach to and if it helps, please do the clearings and call on Archangel Michaels. I use this method too at times when I am bogged down and my mentality is unclear. We cannot let fear of other people controlling us to give us excuses that we are not powerful enough to let them go. The only other thing I want to mention is... do not become so inundated by other people who seem more magical and powerful that you think ... 'only through them am I powerful enough to accomplish whatever goal I have'. Again, let them inspire you! If you can perceive then you can achieve! :) I certainly believe in it. 

Well, that's my two cents for the day! Let me know if you have another view of this. My thoughts of the subject or all subjects are always evolving because I am of course looking for the bigger picture and bigger purpose of all this stuff. 

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